PLANS 04:1 marking and stowage thereof, with notes for the information of officers as to the dangerous properties of the various substances. The danger may arise from liquefied gases that are poisonous or inflammable, such as chlorine, hydrocyanic acid, etc.; or gases carried in cylinders under pressure which may expand with heat and burst the containers. Leakage of vapour which may form explosive or inflammable mixtures with air, or substances that become dangerous on contact with water, calcium preparations for example, petroleum spirits, etc. In general, all such goods should be stowed away from foodstuffs and living quarters, in cool, well ventilated spaces, and if on deck they should be protected from the rays of the sun. The quantity of deck goods should not exceed 50 per cent, of the total deck area. Cylinders containing gases under pressure should be stowed not less than 8 feet from the ship's side under cover. Dangerous goods to be distinctively labelled and the nature of the danger, whether inflammable, corrosive or poisonous to bo clearly stated on the package. Arrei? Boer Ło«*t Booy HALF BI?E.AOTH PLAN PLANS. The upper drawing is a profile or sheer plan of a vessel showing the position of three waterplanes. The waterplanes are projected on to the half breadth plan, which exhibits as curves the shape of each waterplane area as if the vessel were sliced into horizontal sections at the level of each respective waterplane. The vertical lines numbered 1, 2, 3, etc., are frame stations,