MARINE INSURANCE 591 The underwriters are those who render themselves liable for the insurance by signing or underwriting their names at the foot of the policy There is usually a clause at the foot of a policy excluding claims which do not amount to 3 per cent, of the value insured. It is very important where a vessel has put into port in distress to have a certificate of seaworthiness before leaving. Warranties.—Where a ship in an insurance policy is warranted to sail on or before a date named. Other clauses in an insurance policy are also termed warranties ; for example—the ship and freight are warranted free from average under 3 per cent., unless general, or the ship be stranded. Invoice.—A list of goods, cargo, or stores, with the original prices of each, and intermediate charges, such as freight, insurance, etc. Jetsam.—Goods or cargo cast into the sea for the preservation of the ship and remainder of cargo, the ship being lost afterwards, notwithstanding the effort made to save her by relieving her cargo. Jettison.—The act of throwing goods overboard for the safety of the ship. When such goods sink to the bottom and are buoyed by those throwing them over, the term " Ligan " is applied to them. Flotsam is the term applied to goods which are left floating when a vessel is lost or wrecked. Jerquing.—A Custom House term denoting the final examina- tion of the accounts of the cargoes landed by vessels. Jerque Note.—When a vessel has discharged the whole of her cargo she is finally rummaged by the Customs officer, who also overhauls and checks stores, etc. If all is in order he issues the inward clearing bill, or jerque note. Lien.—A legal right over property, or goods, to hold it until the claim against the owner of it has been satisfied. The shipowner has a lien on the cargo for freight unless the charter-party states the reverse, and if the freight is not paid the owner or master of the ship may warehouse the goods, giving the wharfinger or warehouse- man a written notice that they are to be retained until the lien is discharged. At the expiration of ninety days (or at an earlier date if the