THE INTERNATIONAL CODE OF SIGNAUB 689 AAP 10° to port AAQ 20° to port AAR 30° to port AAS 40° to port AAT 50° to port ABV 10° to starboard ABW 20° to startioard ABX 30° to starboard ABJ 40° to starboard ABZ 50° to starboard FLAGS TO BE FLOWN BY BRITISH MERCHANT SHIPS. Section 74 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, provides as follows:— L A ship belonging to a British subject shall hoist the proper national colours— (a) On a signal being made to her by one of His Majesty's ships (including any vessel under the command of an officer of His Majesty's Navy on full pay); and (&) On entering or leaving any foreign port; and (c) If of 50 tons gross tonnage or upwards, on entering or leaving any British port. 2. If default is made on board any such ship in complying with this section the master of the ship shall for each offence be liable to a fine not exceeding £100* 5. This section shall not apply to a fishing boat duly entered in the fis ing boat register, and lettered and numbered as required by the fourth part of this Act