EXAMINATION PAPERS 677 5. A ship of 3520 tons deadweight has on board 490 tons of stores, water and bunkers. Her hold capacities are No. 1, 55,100 c.f: No. 2, 55,970 c.f: No. 3, 44,100 c.f: No. 4, 35,900 c.f. It is required to stow phosphate at 35 c.f. per ton, and hay at 120 c.f. per ton to maximum capacity; find the quantity of each. 6. You are loading the following cargo:—What form of slinging would you adopt and what quantity per sling (i) iron tubes; (ii) bales; (iii) bags of salt; (iv) cement in casks; (v) oilman's small stores; (vi) reels of paper? 7. A span is formed by two pendants which make angles of 30° and 50° with two vertical masts. A load of 8 tons is hanging from the span ; find by construction the load on each pendant. Paper 3. 1. Describe in* detail the rigging of a heavy derrick to lift a weight of 40 tons. 2. The bilges are rusted, how would you clean them and prevent subsequent rusting ? 3. Where would you expect to find early indications of corrosion in a ship and state what you attribute the cause to ? 4. Describe fully how a cargo of rice is stowed, dunnaged and ventilated, 5. What is meant by " ullage " in a tanker ? What special precautions are taken when carrying petroleum spirit in bulk ? 6. Describe the operation of dry docking a ship. 7. Loading esparto grass in bales (110 cub. ft. per ton) and ore in bags (15 cub. ft. per ton); ship's d.w. 3500 tons; stores, water and bunkers 480 tons; hold capacities, No. 1, 36,000 cub. ft.; No. 2, 37,500 cub. ft.; No. 3, 37,200 cub. ft.; No. 4, 35,300 cub. ft. Required the quantity of each to fill the ship to capacity. Draw a cargo plan and dispose the cargo in a single deck ship. 8. Two masts each 45 feet in height are 80 feet apart. Between the masts are two spans, one 35 feet, the other 60 feet long. At the point where they join a guntackle purchase is made fast, the hauling part leading down to a winch at the nearest mast. Find the stress on each span when lifting a weight of 2 tons, allowing for friction.