EXAMINATION PAPERS 6£ 3. Describe and illustrate by a sketch how a deck flat is made wate tight at the ship's side. 4 Illustrate and explain the various methods of connecting the but in shell plating. 5 What are " cant" frames and where and how are they fitted ? 6. A ship's load displacement is 3420 tons and its C.G is 12 feet abo> the keel. Oil was consumed during the voyage as follows: 1C tons C.G. 1'5 feet above the keel, and 80 tons C.G. 6 feel above tl keel. Find the new centre of gravity. Show also how the initi; transverse metacentric height will be affected if the transvers metacentre remains the same. 7. Who assigns the load lines to a shipl Paper 7. 1. Distinguish between structural and local stresses as applied to stean ships. Where are local stresses usually found and what is done t guard against their effects? 2. Describe a complete transverse member in a ship with ordinary floor 3. Describe how a manhole door is fitted and made watertight. 4. Differentiate between web framing and ordinary framing. 5. What are tie plates and what useful purpose do they serve? 6. (a) Define displacement, deadweight and block coefficient. (( Define "buoyancy," "reserve buoyancy/' "centre of buoyancy and "freeboard." 7. Ship £000 tons displacement. A weight of 10 tons is moved 20 fee transversely across the deck. Find the shift of C.G. If tl vessel were upright before shifting the weight and she heeled I find the initial transverse metacentric height. Paper 8. 1. Show by a sketch how a plated bulwark is fitted. 2. Sketch a main hold ventilator showing the connections to 'twee deck and lower hold. 3. Describe how decks are strengthened in the way of hatchways i compensate for the cutting of deck beams. 4. Explain the principal differences between a cellular double bottoi and a Mclntyre tank