686 NICHOLLS'S SEAMANSHIP AND NAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE 5. What is tipping moment? Define "inch trim moment" and longitudinal metacentric height. 6. A ship with a deck load of timber takes a very heavy list, what steps would you take to make her more seaworthy? 7. A box-shaped vessel floating upright at 7 feet draught is 180 feet long and 20 feet beam and 10 feet deep. She has no metacentric height. Find the G.M. when a weight of 40 tons is shifted from the deck to the bottom of the vessel. Paper 9* 1. After crossing the North Atlantic, light ship in heavy weather, where would you particularly look for damage, and why? 2. Describe in detail the fitting and strengthening of shifting boards. 3. (a) "What is meant by "breadth moulded," "depth moulded" and "length between perpendiculars?" (b) Define "deck sheer," "beam camber," and "tumble home." 4. (a) State the relative positions of the C.G., C.B., and the metacentre to obtain stable equilibrium, (b) If a weight is moved across the deck how does this affect the C.G , C.B. and the metacentre? 6. Define T.P.I., and state where it is generally found. Find the T.P.I, of a box-shaped vessel 210 feet long by 35 feet beam, 6. Describe the various transverse members in a cellular double bottom. 7. Ship 210 feet long is drawing 10 feet on even keel in salt water. A weight of 25 tons is moved 30 feet aft. Find the new draughts assuming the centre of flotation to be amidships and the LT.M,= 250 foot-tons. Paper 10 1. What is meant by opening up for survey and at what periodical intervals are these surveys held? Which survey is the most important? 2. How are the following tested for watertightness:—Double bottom tanks, collision bulkheads, hold bulkheads, and decks? 3. Sketch and describe a Mclntyre tank 4. Describe various methods of joining plates together and of connecting the raised strakes of plating to the frames, 5. (a) Define "righting arm" and "righting moment/* {&) Given the K.G. of a light ship, how would you'find the K.& when loaded?