WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:09.600 Alka-Seltzer, Speedy Alka-Seltzer. 00:09.600 --> 00:14.440 The Alka-Seltzer Show, transcribed in Hollywood, featuring radio's favorite singing stars, 00:14.440 --> 00:15.440 Kurt Massey and Martha Shilter. 00:15.440 --> 00:17.720 The music of country Washington. 00:17.720 --> 00:20.720 It's Alka-Seltzer time, Alka-Seltzer time. 00:20.720 --> 00:24.920 Morning, noon, and night, it's Alka-Seltzer time. 00:24.920 --> 00:25.920 I'm Kurt. 00:25.920 --> 00:26.920 I'm Martha. 00:26.920 --> 00:31.600 Well, here we go with the Alka-Seltzer Show. 00:31.600 --> 00:44.640 Well, friends, you know tomorrow night's Halloween, so let's get all dressed up, shall we? 00:44.640 --> 00:54.320 Put on a bonnet, a sunbeam bonnet, and paint a bluebird, a bluebird on it. 00:54.320 --> 01:02.640 Start with a bonnet, and in a while you'll be all dressed, all dressed up to smile. 01:02.640 --> 01:12.800 Some silver lining from a cloud that's in distress will make the nicest gown of happiness. 01:12.800 --> 01:17.400 Oh, lady fashion, you'll never trail her. 01:17.400 --> 01:22.120 Just let a sunbeam become your tailor. 01:22.120 --> 01:28.560 You'll leave the fashion always in style, cause you're all dressed, all dressed up to 01:28.560 --> 01:29.560 smile. 01:29.560 --> 01:37.520 Because you're all dressed up to smile. 01:37.520 --> 01:45.240 Well, how about you, Martha? 01:45.240 --> 01:47.440 What's your Halloween costume like, huh? 01:47.440 --> 01:50.320 I'm going to be all dressed up like a song, Kurt. 01:50.320 --> 01:56.040 I'll be wearing a spooky false face and a white sheet and a haunting eye will go. 01:56.040 --> 01:58.560 Can you guess the name of the song? 01:58.560 --> 02:00.240 No, you better sing it, Martha. 02:00.240 --> 02:04.800 I don't suppose I have a ghost of a chance of guessing it right. 02:04.800 --> 02:11.440 I need your love so badly. 02:11.440 --> 02:16.080 I love you oh so madly. 02:16.080 --> 02:26.480 But I don't stand a ghost of a chance with you. 02:26.480 --> 02:32.480 I thought at last I had found you. 02:32.480 --> 02:36.960 But other loves surround you. 02:36.960 --> 02:46.400 And I don't stand a ghost of a chance with you. 02:46.400 --> 02:55.080 If you'd surrender just for a tender kiss or two. 02:55.080 --> 03:04.080 You might discover that I'm the lover meant for you. 03:04.080 --> 03:08.080 And I'd be true. 03:08.080 --> 03:14.280 But what's the good of scheming? 03:14.280 --> 03:19.280 I know I must be dreaming. 03:19.280 --> 03:43.600 But I don't stand a ghost of a chance with you. 03:43.600 --> 03:45.240 Here's Fort Pearson at the mic. 03:45.240 --> 03:47.240 He has a word to say, sir. 03:47.240 --> 03:49.240 Heads come to spoil your fun. 03:49.240 --> 03:51.680 Here's how to save the day, sir. 03:51.680 --> 03:53.680 Alka-Seltzer, yes sir. 03:53.680 --> 03:58.080 That's the way to gentle acting, speedy acting relief from a headache. 03:58.080 --> 04:01.340 Just drop one or two Alka-Seltzer tablets into a glass of water. 04:01.340 --> 04:03.840 See it fizz into a bubbling solution. 04:03.840 --> 04:06.240 That means relief is on its way. 04:06.240 --> 04:10.700 And as soon as you drink the refreshing solution, Alka-Seltzer is ready to go to work giving 04:10.700 --> 04:14.680 you the effective pain reliever sodium acetylsalicylate. 04:14.680 --> 04:20.400 In fact, tests prove the system absorbs more of this pain reliever faster from Alka-Seltzer. 04:20.400 --> 04:23.680 That means that speedy Alka-Seltzer, there is no waiting. 04:23.680 --> 04:26.360 It's ready to go to work at once. 04:26.360 --> 04:31.280 Alka-Seltzer soothes your stomach, doesn't upset it, and it relieves a headache fast. 04:31.280 --> 04:35.280 Just ask for Alka-Seltzer at any drug store. 04:35.280 --> 04:40.080 Martha, who are you going to invite to our Halloween party tomorrow? 04:40.080 --> 04:46.120 Well, Kurt, how about that guy with the fiery eyes and the long sharp teeth, Senor Punky 04:46.120 --> 04:47.120 Punkin? 04:47.120 --> 04:48.120 Punky Punkin, the happy punkin, happy all the day. 04:48.120 --> 04:49.120 And his great big smile will scare your cares away. 04:49.120 --> 04:50.120 Punky Punkin's a happy punkin, never wears a frown. 04:50.120 --> 04:51.120 You can see his smile on every face. 04:51.120 --> 05:08.500 He's a little bit of a 05:08.500 --> 05:15.500 clown. 05:15.500 --> 05:20.920 The candlelight inside him makes his eyes light up and gleam. 05:20.920 --> 05:26.920 They shine right through the window at you for a hap hap happy Halloween. 05:26.920 --> 05:31.920 Punky Punkin's a happy punkin, and do you know why? 05:31.920 --> 05:38.920 Because he's a jack-o'-lantern instead of being a punkin pie. 05:38.920 --> 05:47.920 Yes, he's a jack-o'-lantern instead of being a punkin pie. 05:47.920 --> 05:56.760 Kurt, you know a lot of people don't realize that old Dan Cupid gets all dressed up for 05:56.760 --> 05:57.760 Halloween too. 05:57.760 --> 06:01.280 Oh, indeed he does, I should say. 06:01.280 --> 06:06.000 He'll be wearing a tall silk hat and hiding his bow and arrow under a cutaway coat. 06:06.000 --> 06:11.320 Watch out for him, because if you're not careful, you'll fall under the spell of his old black 06:11.320 --> 06:14.320 magic. 06:14.320 --> 06:23.080 That old black magic has me in its spell. 06:23.080 --> 06:34.480 That old black magic that you weave so well, those icy fingers up and down my spine. 06:34.480 --> 06:40.600 The same old witchcraft when your eyes meet mine. 06:40.600 --> 06:44.880 The same old tingle that I feel inside. 06:44.880 --> 06:52.240 And then that elevator starts its ride. 06:52.240 --> 06:57.280 Down and down I go, round and round I go. 06:57.280 --> 07:01.680 Like a leaf that's caught in the tide. 07:01.680 --> 07:06.680 I should stay away, but what can I do? 07:06.680 --> 07:13.280 I hear your name, and I'm aflame. 07:13.280 --> 07:24.520 Aflame with such a burning desire, that only your kiss can put out the fire. 07:24.520 --> 07:30.120 For you're the lover I have waited for. 07:30.120 --> 07:35.600 The maid that fate had me created for. 07:35.600 --> 07:40.720 And every time your lips meet mine. 07:40.720 --> 07:47.240 Darling, down and down I go, round and round I go. 07:47.240 --> 07:51.640 In a spin, loving the spin I'm in. 07:51.640 --> 08:00.240 Under the old black magic call of love. 08:00.240 --> 08:10.600 Friends, here are a few precautions for how 08:10.600 --> 08:11.600 Halloween goes. 08:11.600 --> 08:17.160 Nail down your front gate, bring the garbage pail inside, and you might leave all your 08:17.160 --> 08:20.560 windows open so the little ghosties can't decorate them with soap. 08:20.560 --> 08:23.040 Yeah, and how about locking the broom closet, Martha? 08:23.040 --> 08:25.520 Oh no, that won't be necessary, Kurt. 08:25.520 --> 08:26.520 Haven't you heard? 08:26.520 --> 08:27.520 Ding dong, the witch is dead. 08:27.520 --> 08:28.520 Witch, old witch, the wicked old witch. 08:28.520 --> 08:29.520 Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead. 08:29.520 --> 08:30.520 Martha, did you order the doughnut cake? 08:30.520 --> 08:31.520 I did. 08:31.520 --> 08:32.520 I did. 08:32.520 --> 08:33.520 I did. 08:33.520 --> 08:34.520 I did. 08:34.520 --> 08:35.520 I did. 08:35.520 --> 08:36.520 I did. 08:36.520 --> 08:37.520 I did. 08:37.520 --> 08:38.520 I did. 08:38.520 --> 08:39.520 I did. 08:39.520 --> 08:40.520 I did. 08:40.520 --> 08:42.120 Do you have some nuts for our Halloween party? 08:42.120 --> 08:44.000 Oh sure, dozens of them, Kurt. 08:44.000 --> 08:45.480 What do we serve with them? 08:45.480 --> 08:46.960 Lemonade or hot chocolate? 08:46.960 --> 08:48.680 Oh no, no, no, no. 08:48.680 --> 08:50.720 We've got to be traditional, Martha. 08:50.720 --> 08:56.520 Why half the fun of Halloween is sip inside it through a straw. 08:56.520 --> 08:59.600 We sip there for hours or more. 08:59.600 --> 09:02.400 I sip first and she sip last. 09:02.400 --> 09:05.760 But she sips the most because she sips so fast. 09:05.760 --> 09:11.920 And here's our favorite Halloween song, an original written for us four years ago by 09:11.920 --> 09:13.640 our drummer, Frank Flynn. 09:13.640 --> 09:17.560 Yeah, we hope it reminds you to have plenty of goodies to hand out when those little freckle 09:17.560 --> 09:22.600 faced goblins ring your doorbell tomorrow night. 09:22.600 --> 09:26.080 Good evening. 09:26.080 --> 09:31.120 Trick or treat. 09:31.120 --> 09:34.680 Trick or treat. 09:34.680 --> 09:38.960 Tonight is the night for trick or treat. 09:38.960 --> 09:41.520 Ring every doorbell on our street. 09:41.520 --> 09:44.520 Tonight is the night for trick or treat. 09:44.520 --> 09:47.120 I've got a costume mask and all. 09:47.120 --> 09:50.280 Well I'll be a goblin eight feet tall. 09:50.280 --> 09:52.960 I'll be a witch on a great big broom. 09:52.960 --> 09:56.200 We'll scare all the folks right out of the room. 09:56.200 --> 09:58.480 You start out cause I'm afraid. 09:58.480 --> 10:02.080 It's the first time I've ever played. 10:02.080 --> 10:11.440 Don't be afraid, he can't just watch me and you'll see how fierce a goblin can be. 10:11.440 --> 10:17.320 First ring the doorbell loud and long that lets them know you're a spook that's strong. 10:17.320 --> 10:20.960 Then when they answer they'll gladly pay. 10:20.960 --> 10:26.920 Lots of cake and candy and you go away. 10:26.920 --> 10:33.760 I've heard that a witch can cast a spell on folks that don't treat her so well. 10:33.760 --> 10:41.560 And if they don't treat me real nice I'll turn them all into little white mice. 10:41.560 --> 10:46.960 When all the ghosts have gone to bed their victims smile and shake their hair. 10:46.960 --> 10:49.840 The spirits sure have changed their ways. 10:49.840 --> 10:52.960 It's just not like the good old days. 10:52.960 --> 10:53.960 Trick or treat. 10:53.960 --> 10:54.960 Trick or treat. 10:54.960 --> 10:58.200 Tonight is the night for trick or treat. 10:58.200 --> 11:02.560 So be good to all the ghosts you meet. 11:02.560 --> 11:07.840 Tonight is the night for trick. 11:07.840 --> 11:24.040 Or treat. 11:24.040 --> 11:31.400 Here we are in the last weekend of October. 11:31.400 --> 11:36.400 Now don't forget your friend Alka-Seltzer in case you overdo with rich refreshments 11:36.400 --> 11:38.600 and end up with acid indigestion. 11:38.600 --> 11:41.560 Here are two of the ways Alka-Seltzer helps you. 11:41.560 --> 11:47.360 It brings relief with instant alkalizing action as it reduces excess stomach acidity. 11:47.360 --> 11:52.280 And Alka-Seltzer brings relief with gentle effervescent action as its thousands of tiny 11:52.280 --> 11:55.240 bubbles help soothe and settle your stomach. 11:55.240 --> 12:01.600 So for the gentle fast relief you want from acid indigestion remember you want Alka-Seltzer. 12:01.600 --> 12:05.000 Take Alka-Seltzer for that feel better feeling. 12:05.000 --> 12:09.080 Alka-Seltzer, speedy Alka-Seltzer. 12:09.080 --> 12:11.920 May we sing our messy tilt and toast. 12:11.920 --> 12:15.440 Here's to comfort that you bring family friend. 12:15.440 --> 12:21.400 To you we sing Alka-Seltzer. 12:21.400 --> 12:22.880 Martha tell me the truth now. 12:22.880 --> 12:25.960 How are you really going to dress up for the Halloween party? 12:25.960 --> 12:28.800 Well I'll give you a little hint Kurt. 12:28.800 --> 12:31.760 My accessories will be a black hat and a broom. 12:31.760 --> 12:32.760 Oh. 12:32.760 --> 12:37.840 Then all I have to figure out is which witch is Martha. 12:37.840 --> 12:40.880 Well friends we hope you all have a very happy Halloween. 12:40.880 --> 12:41.880 And a happy weekend too. 12:41.880 --> 12:42.880 That's right. 12:42.880 --> 12:45.980 We'll be with you again on Monday and between now and then we hope you and your family are 12:45.980 --> 12:48.120 planning a visit to the church of your choice. 12:48.120 --> 12:49.640 Goodbye now until next week. 12:49.640 --> 12:52.600 Same time, same station. 12:52.600 --> 12:54.600 We'll sing the old song. 12:54.600 --> 12:56.480 We'll sing the new. 12:56.480 --> 12:58.160 We'll sing the bright songs. 12:58.160 --> 13:00.560 And maybe we'll sing the blues on. 13:00.560 --> 13:03.560 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday too. 13:03.560 --> 13:04.560 For you. 13:04.560 --> 13:05.560 For you. 13:05.560 --> 13:06.560 For you. 13:06.560 --> 13:16.920 Fun in the fall can be cut short when you feel too tired and let down to enjoy yourself. 13:16.920 --> 13:21.920 You know vitamin shortage is one of the common causes of a pepless listless feeling. 13:21.920 --> 13:26.040 One a day brand multiple vitamin tablets, correct vitamin shortage. 13:26.040 --> 13:30.620 They contain all you normally need to take of all the vitamins proved necessary. 13:30.620 --> 13:35.880 They supply the essential A, B complex, C and D vitamins. 13:35.880 --> 13:38.480 All in a single easy to take tablet. 13:38.480 --> 13:42.480 And they cost less than three cents a day when you buy the large package. 13:42.480 --> 13:47.360 Now one a day brand multiples contain the much talked about vitamin B12. 13:47.360 --> 13:51.680 So don't settle for less than one a day brand multiple vitamins. 13:51.680 --> 14:02.280 Ask your druggist for these quality vitamins in the blue box with the big red one. 14:02.280 --> 14:06.480 This is Monday for the Alka Seltzer Show, starring Kurt Massey and Martha Tilton with 14:06.480 --> 14:08.480 the music of Country Washburn and his orchestra. 14:08.480 --> 14:12.480 Today's program is transcribed in Hollywood and this is Fort Pearson speaking.