WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:10.760 I'm the comic weekly man, the jolly comic weekly man, and I'm here to read the funnies to you 00:10.760 --> 00:17.900 happy boys and honeys. Yes boys and girls, it's comic weekly time, and here I come right 00:17.900 --> 00:21.320 into your house to bring a little fun and happiness. Right out of the pages of Puck 00:21.320 --> 00:27.000 the Comic Weekly straight into your living room, your friend the comic weekly man, the 00:27.000 --> 00:56.920 jolly comic weekly man. Hello, hello, hello. Hello, hello, hello. Little Miss Honey, how are you today? Oh, I'm just fine. And I'm still thinking about that wonderful time we had last week talking to Kathy Beaumont, the girl who's the voice of Alice in Walt Disney's movie of Alice in Wonderland. Oh, you loved that, did you? Yes, I should say so. And I've been saving every one of the pictures of Alice in Wonderland from the comics, and I read them over and over again. And I'm so anxious to see what's going to happen. 00:56.920 --> 01:09.000 What's going to happen today when she eats the cookie? Well, let's waste any time. All right, let's not waste any time. Please hurry and read the funny. Puck the Comic Weekly? Very well, I will in just a moment. But before I do, let's listen to this nice man. 01:09.000 --> 01:25.800 Now here we go with Puck the Comic Weekly. And on page one of the first section, hop along, Cassidy. 01:25.800 --> 01:55.800 Magic words for the music, please. Very well, my lady. Six guns blazing as he thunders along. Give us music for hop along. After his fight with Black John at the old stockade, Hoppy had sent Ken back to the telegraph camp with the news that the mountaineers had agreed to let the workmen continue with their job of putting through the telegraph line. Hoppy had gone into Black John's quarters for a talk with Black John. Today, 01:55.800 --> 02:25.720 he wakes up in a dungeon, his head aching. Hoppy looks around the dungeon, first picture, and he sees an old man with a white beard and hair sitting in front of him. Hoppy exclaims, why, Rocky Ridges, how did you get here? Rocky Ridges replies, oh, I've been here for weeks, Hoppy. You're the newcomer. Black John kicked you into this dungeon. Last picture, top row, Hoppy says, why, he said you'd left these parts. I remember following him into his quarters to talk 02:25.720 --> 02:55.640 it over. Someone must have slugged me. Rocky says, oh, yeah, that would be Glint Eye. First picture, next row, Rocky goes on. He and Black John locked me in here for a green to let a new telegraph line cross our land. Hoppy answers, so that's why I never heard from you. Hoppy begins to look around the walls of the dungeon, saying, they're up to something, Rocky. We got to force our way out of here. Rocky shakes his head, saying to him, no, no, no. 02:55.720 --> 03:11.640 Now, don't waste your time, Hoppy. This dungeon's old, but escape-proof. I've gone over every inch of it a dozen times. There's no way out except through that upper door, and it's locked from the outside. 03:11.640 --> 03:38.840 Meanwhile, last picture, middle row, Black John and Glint Eye are sitting beside one of the cannon at the old fort. Black John is saying, this cannon was mounted here by the military, so as to command that pass in case of attack. Glint Eye replies, yeah, and it's a natural route that telegraph crowd will use in springing their wire through here. 03:38.840 --> 03:55.160 I'm beginning to see why you gave them the go-ahead sign, Black John. First picture, bottom row, Black John picking up a keg of powder says, have you load the cannon and post a watch for them. As soon as that outfit moves up within range, we'll be ready for them. 03:55.160 --> 04:23.880 Meanwhile, the nearby hills echo to the sounds of hammer and saw as the telegraph line slowly advances through the virgin wilderness. Last picture, Ken looks at the line of telegraph poles going up swiftly and says cheerfully, at this rate, we'll soon be through the pass. Hoppy's pal, California, nods his head and says, yeah, too bad Hoppy ain't here to see this. And watch keeping him anyway. 04:23.880 --> 04:34.840 Oh, I hope California gets really worried because if he gets worried enough, then maybe he'll go looking for Hoppy. 04:34.840 --> 04:40.200 Yes, if only he'd suspect that something is wrong because Hoppy hasn't shown up, he might get a searching party out. 04:40.200 --> 04:46.120 I wish he would because Hoppy certainly needs some help. I don't know how he can never get out of that dungeon. 04:46.120 --> 04:50.680 Oh, if someone doesn't do some scouting around, they'll never discover the trick that Black John is up to. 04:50.680 --> 04:55.560 And I know what you're going to tell me. You're going to tell me that I'll have to wait till next week to find out. 04:55.560 --> 05:00.520 I'm sorry, but that's true. But now we might just as well continue with Prince Valiant. 05:00.520 --> 05:01.400 Oh, yes, please. 05:01.400 --> 05:09.560 Very well then. Let's go over the page. There he is on page three. And you remember last week that Prince Valiant and his friends, Sir Gawain and Young Arf, were on their way to Val's home? 05:09.560 --> 05:16.200 Yes, and when they came to a river which they have to cross, they saw two knights blocking their way. Do you think they'll be fighting? 05:16.200 --> 05:24.600 Let's read and find out. Here we go with Prince Valiant to the days of King Arthur. Echid, Brechid, Graham Alken and Quince. Music romantic for a fair, fair prince. 05:24.600 --> 05:38.520 Prince Valiant has been ordered back to Thule and is riding to Sir Gawain's home in Orkney to take ship. 05:38.520 --> 05:50.360 At Harley's Ford, two armed and mounted knights bar the way. Second picture, Gawain says, my hurt shoulder will not permit me to bear a shield. Val replies, oh, and with my strained arm, I can barely lift a lance. 05:50.360 --> 06:00.600 So, last picture top row without a word, the true strange knight set lance and shield in charge. Val is about time to whisper a plan of attack. At the very moment of contact, Gawain swerves aside from his opponent. 06:00.600 --> 06:07.240 First picture next row, and both he and Val throw their weight upon Val's adversary. He topples from his horse. 06:07.240 --> 06:15.560 Quickly they wheel around and right at the other enemy knight, Val's solid shield and Gawain's strong lance again work together. And the other knight is thrown from his horse. 06:15.560 --> 06:27.400 All right, now, right for the river. Quick, quick. First picture bottom row. They reach the river and as they ride across, Gawain looks back at the two knights slowly getting to their feet and Gawain accuses Val. 06:27.400 --> 06:42.120 Very unknightly tactics, Val. Why do you pick up these scurvy tricks? Val answers with a smile, by keeping bad company. 06:42.120 --> 06:56.120 Second picture bottom row. In fair weather and foul, they travel the length of Britain and their injuries have healed there they reach Hadrian's Wall, the huge stone wall that was built by the Romans to keep the enemy out. 06:56.120 --> 07:19.400 Beyond is the land of the warlike Picts, which they must cross before reaching Scotland and the Orkneys. They are damp and cold from their ride in the rain, so here they rest in one of the old Roman mild castles last picture, making plans around a cozy fire for the continuation of their journey the next day. 07:19.400 --> 07:30.440 Oh, I remember that wall because once Prince Valian had to go through there and you remember he had terrible battles with those Picts. Those Picts were very wild, savage looking little men. 07:30.440 --> 07:32.040 That's right. You remember very well. 07:32.040 --> 07:33.160 Yes, I do. Do I? 07:33.160 --> 07:33.880 You do. 07:33.880 --> 07:37.360 Thank you. Do you think that Val will have that kind of trouble this time? 07:37.360 --> 07:47.240 Well, you never can tell. We'll find that out next week. Now let's turn over the page and there on top of page five is Flash Gordon. Shall we read him? 07:47.240 --> 07:52.200 Oh, yes, please. Because remember last week Flash captured Toxel, the leader of the Martians. 07:52.200 --> 07:57.120 Yes, and then Dr. Ruff was worried because the oxygen, which is in the air they breathe, is running short. 07:57.120 --> 07:59.320 And if they don't get oxygen, they will die. 07:59.320 --> 08:03.320 Well, let's read right now and find out what they do. So here we go with Flash Gordon. 08:03.320 --> 08:07.560 Riga, riga, doon, doon, sasker, matash. Let's have music for heroic Flash. 08:07.560 --> 08:20.440 While Flash and his co-workers were busy fighting the Martians, they failed to notice that their space platform was running short of oxygen. 08:20.440 --> 08:24.000 A hurried S.O.S. to the earth by radar phone gets no answer. 08:24.000 --> 08:27.480 Atmospheric disturbances prevent the signals from getting through. 08:27.480 --> 08:32.080 Meanwhile, Toxel, the captured pirate, gulps the waning air greedily. 08:32.080 --> 08:37.960 Although as a Martian, he can live without breathing the air, he enjoys the luxurious feel of air in his lungs, 08:37.960 --> 08:43.400 and he gloats over the fact that he is consuming precious oxygen his human enemies need to live. 08:43.400 --> 08:48.360 Flash picture top row, Flash orders his companions, lie still. 08:48.360 --> 08:51.880 You've got to make the air last till rescue arrives. 08:51.880 --> 08:56.040 While Flash continues his frantic efforts to reach the earth with his calls for oxygen, 08:56.040 --> 09:00.960 Toxel manages to wiggle free from his bonds and creep toward the hatchway of the cabin. 09:00.960 --> 09:06.160 First picture bottom row, jamming the safety controls, the evil genius of Mars opens both inner and outer airlock doors, 09:06.160 --> 09:09.480 and the ship's air supply hisses swiftly out into empty space. 09:09.480 --> 09:12.000 The rocket cabin will soon be evacuated. 09:12.000 --> 09:16.240 The damage done, Toxel escapes in the maze of corridors on the space platform. 09:16.240 --> 09:21.880 Gasping for breath, Flash hurls himself against the airlock, last picture, while Dale and the others scrabble to down their space helmets. 09:21.880 --> 09:25.080 With his last ounce of strength, Flash swings shut the ponderous lock. 09:25.080 --> 09:26.080 Ah! 09:26.080 --> 09:30.760 Oh, why didn't somebody keep their eye on that little man? 09:30.760 --> 09:35.680 Yes, now there's real danger again, and just when it looked as though everything was going to be all right. 09:35.680 --> 09:41.480 Yes, Flash really is in trouble, because if that message doesn't go through the earth in time, they could all die. 09:41.480 --> 09:45.400 Yes, now Toxel, the leader of the Martians, is free again too. 09:45.400 --> 09:49.120 Well, maybe next week Flash will do something that'll save this terrible situation. 09:49.120 --> 09:50.360 My, I hope so. 09:50.360 --> 09:51.360 Yes. 09:51.360 --> 09:53.560 Now I do believe it's time for Dagwood and Blondie. 09:53.560 --> 09:57.200 Oh yes, and I have them right here on the first page of the second section. 09:57.200 --> 10:00.000 Very well then, here we go with Dagwood and Blondie. 10:00.000 --> 10:04.000 Ramaphoo, ramaphum, zim zam zombie, conjure me music for Dagwood and Blondie. 10:08.000 --> 10:12.000 Dagwood's neighbor, Mr. Nuttles, has come over to Dagwood's place and complains, 10:12.000 --> 10:16.400 Bumstead, your dogs chased our cat up on our roof. 10:16.400 --> 10:20.400 Dagwood replies, Tush, tush, tush, tush, don't get so upset about it, Mr. Nuttles. 10:20.400 --> 10:22.400 He pays his respects to the dog. 10:22.400 --> 10:28.040 Mr. Nuttles, he picks up a ladder standing nearby and goes over to Nuttles' place saying, 10:28.040 --> 10:29.640 These things happen occasionally. 10:29.640 --> 10:34.160 Relax, old boy, I'll rescue your cat for you. 10:34.160 --> 10:36.600 Dagwood goes to Nuttles' backyard, last picture top row. 10:36.600 --> 10:40.400 He gets the ladder tangled up in Mrs. Nuttles' laundry hanging on the line. 10:40.400 --> 10:44.360 Mrs. Nuttles yells, You're ruining my wash. 10:44.360 --> 10:49.040 First picture next row, Dagwood sets up the ladder and starts to climb up to the roof. 10:49.040 --> 10:53.560 Mrs. Nuttles sees the ladder standing in her flower bed and exclaims, And look, he's ruining 10:53.560 --> 10:55.960 my begonia bed. 10:55.960 --> 11:00.040 Mr. Nuttles, who is jotting all these things down on a piece of paper, tells her, 11:00.040 --> 11:05.040 Don't worry dear, I'm making a list of all the damage he's done. 11:05.040 --> 11:11.160 In a moment, Dagwood is on top of the roof, next picture, trying to coax the cat to come 11:11.160 --> 11:12.160 off the roof. 11:12.160 --> 11:15.360 Come kitty, nice kitty, come on, come on, come on, come on. 11:15.360 --> 11:17.540 Come kitty, come to Dagwood. 11:17.540 --> 11:22.680 The cat spits at him, and then suddenly makes a leap at Dagwood, last picture second row, 11:22.680 --> 11:24.080 and scratches Dagwood on the head. 11:24.080 --> 11:26.520 Hey, help, help, get off me will you. 11:26.520 --> 11:29.800 Dagwood struggles to get free, the ladder falls over backwards. 11:29.800 --> 11:32.480 Dagwood struggles, he falls off the ladder through a window. 11:32.480 --> 11:36.160 First picture third row, into a cake Mrs. Nuttles has baked. 11:36.160 --> 11:41.600 Oh, my cake. 11:41.600 --> 11:44.880 Dagwood picks himself up, all covered with bruises and scratches. 11:44.880 --> 11:48.280 Mr. Nuttles hands him a sheet of paper listing the damage he's done. 11:48.280 --> 11:53.320 Middle picture third row, Dagwood says, Okay, okay, I'll pay for everything, just keep that 11:53.320 --> 12:00.040 wild beast away from me. 12:00.040 --> 12:05.280 Last picture third row, Dagwood's at home, surrounded by his dogs and telling Blondie, 12:05.280 --> 12:09.240 Nuttles is an unreasonable old crank, kicking up all that fuss over nothing. 12:09.240 --> 12:14.560 He goes on first picture bottom row, he claims our dogs chased his cat up. 12:14.560 --> 12:22.800 He's interrupted by Nuttles cat who goes dashing after his dogs who run away in fear. 12:22.800 --> 12:27.840 A moment later, Dagwood is at Nuttles house, he knocks on the door, the door opens, Dagwood 12:27.840 --> 12:34.040 hollers, Nuttles, your cat chased my dogs up on our roof. 12:34.040 --> 12:38.060 Last picture Nuttles looks up on top of the Bumstead's house and sees Dagwood's five puppies 12:38.060 --> 12:41.560 sitting on the roof, looking as angry as a March Hare in November. 12:41.560 --> 12:50.120 Nuttles shouts, It's a shameful outrage, Nuttles says timidly, Okay, okay, where's the ladder? 12:50.120 --> 12:51.120 And the dogs snarl. 12:51.120 --> 13:00.760 Oh, now Dagwood will have a chance to get his money back because I'll bet you that Mr. 13:00.760 --> 13:03.920 Nuttles will break things getting Dagwood's dogs down too. 13:03.920 --> 13:06.840 Well, I hope so, after all the trouble Dagwood got into. 13:06.840 --> 13:10.920 Yes, I hope so, after all the trouble Dagwood got into. 13:10.920 --> 13:14.280 Yes, well look, there's Roy Rogers underneath Dagwood and Blondie. 13:14.280 --> 13:15.920 Oh, Roy Rogers, read that please. 13:15.920 --> 13:19.440 I will in just a minute, but first here's that nice man with something interesting to 13:19.440 --> 13:26.040 say. 13:26.040 --> 13:29.560 Now here we go again with Puck the Comic Weekly and on the bottom of the first page of the 13:29.560 --> 13:32.320 second section, Roy Rogers, King of the Cowboys. 13:32.320 --> 13:34.200 Magic words for the music please. 13:34.200 --> 13:35.200 Very well, my lady. 13:35.200 --> 13:48.920 Now here we go with Roy and Trigger. 13:48.920 --> 13:52.280 Roy has been captured by the outlaws and has discovered that the banker Michaels, who he 13:52.280 --> 13:54.400 thought was his friend, is their leader. 13:54.400 --> 13:57.960 Roy is now being taken by Michaels and his henchmen back to Flat Top Butte where the 13:57.960 --> 14:00.240 gold dust has been hidden on the top of the steep rock. 14:00.240 --> 14:04.200 When they arrive at the rock, they find that Roy's friend, Cube Root, is on top of the 14:04.200 --> 14:08.240 rock with the gold and that Beetle, the outlaw left behind to guard it, is now down on the 14:08.240 --> 14:09.240 ground. 14:09.240 --> 14:13.400 Michaels says, Jutt, untie Rogers' hands, but don't show yourselves. 14:13.400 --> 14:16.840 We'll use Rogers to get Root to lower the strong box from the Butte. 14:16.840 --> 14:21.760 As the covered wagon stops, third picture top row, Beetle exclaims that he was tricked 14:21.760 --> 14:23.480 by Cube Root. 14:23.480 --> 14:24.680 Michaels is furious. 14:24.680 --> 14:29.680 Last picture top row, he climbs out of the wagon, ordering Roy to follow and says, Jutt, 14:29.680 --> 14:32.320 you and Ballas keep your guns on Rogers from inside the wagon. 14:32.320 --> 14:35.760 If he tries to warn Root up above, kill him. 14:35.760 --> 14:39.600 First picture bottom row, when Cube sees Roy and Michaels down below, he immediately lowers 14:39.600 --> 14:42.920 the box of gold, thinking the outlaws are captured. 14:42.920 --> 14:44.520 Michaels tells Roy next picture. 14:44.520 --> 14:46.520 All right, grab the box, Rogers. 14:46.520 --> 14:48.120 There's no funny stuff. 14:48.120 --> 14:51.160 Remember, my men have you covered from the wagon. 14:51.160 --> 14:54.320 Roy answers, your scheme won't work, Michaels. 14:54.320 --> 14:55.640 Hey, somebody's coming. 14:55.640 --> 14:58.920 They look up and see a lovely girl in horseback who gallops up to them. 14:58.920 --> 15:03.120 She reigns in third picture bottom row and tells them that she's Sally Norton, that her 15:03.120 --> 15:07.200 father owns the stage line and that she's been sent out to find why it's so late getting 15:07.200 --> 15:08.440 back to Prescott. 15:08.440 --> 15:10.720 Roy warns her, get back, lady. 15:10.720 --> 15:12.320 Michaels says nervously, quiet, Rogers. 15:12.320 --> 15:15.040 Now, don't mind this road agent, Miss Norton. 15:15.040 --> 15:17.040 Your stage drivers are in the wagon yonder. 15:17.040 --> 15:18.640 We're wounded. 15:18.640 --> 15:22.600 Suddenly last picture, Roy grabs Michaels, who has his back to him, saying, it's a trick. 15:22.600 --> 15:24.120 Get behind me, ma'am, quick. 15:24.120 --> 15:28.160 Held firmly in Roy's grasp, Michaels faces Ballas and Jutt, who stand their guns in 15:28.160 --> 15:29.160 hand. 15:29.160 --> 15:31.160 Michaels whines, now, Jutt, Ballas, don't shoot. 15:31.160 --> 15:32.160 Don't shoot. 15:32.160 --> 15:33.160 You might hit me. 15:33.160 --> 15:39.680 Jutt says coldly, too bad, banker Michaels, but that'll mean one less split in the gold. 15:39.680 --> 15:45.680 Let him have it, Ballas. 15:45.680 --> 15:49.840 But if they shoot the banker Michaels, the bullet might go right through him and kill 15:49.840 --> 15:50.840 Roy. 15:50.840 --> 15:51.840 Yes, there's always that possibility. 15:51.840 --> 15:53.520 And look, Roy's gun is gone. 15:53.520 --> 15:55.160 They took it away from him, you remember? 15:55.160 --> 15:56.920 Yes, he's really in a tough spot again. 15:56.920 --> 16:01.200 Oh, and I know, we'll have to wait until next week to find out what's going to happen. 16:01.200 --> 16:02.720 Yes, I'm afraid we will. 16:02.720 --> 16:04.520 But you don't have to wait for Alice in Wonderland. 16:04.520 --> 16:06.520 Oh, goody, I just love Alice in Wonderland. 16:06.520 --> 16:08.280 Quick, quick, where is she? 16:08.280 --> 16:11.600 Turn over the page, and there she is, on page three of the second section. 16:11.600 --> 16:13.600 Oh, yes, and you remember what happened? 16:13.600 --> 16:18.000 Alice followed the little rabbit through the hole in the tree, and she fell down, down, 16:18.000 --> 16:19.000 down into a room. 16:19.000 --> 16:22.000 Yes, and the rabbit skittered through a tiny door in the room. 16:22.000 --> 16:24.000 And Alice was too big to go through. 16:24.000 --> 16:28.960 So first she drank something out of a bottle, and she became so small that she could go 16:28.960 --> 16:33.120 through the door, but she couldn't reach the key then because it was up on top of the table. 16:33.120 --> 16:36.120 And then the doorknob told her to eat a little cookie that was in a box to make her grow 16:36.120 --> 16:37.120 big again. 16:37.120 --> 16:40.120 So Alice took a bite, just a quick read. 16:40.120 --> 16:42.320 I want to see if she gets big enough to get the key. 16:42.320 --> 16:44.040 Very well, here we go with Alice in Wonderland. 16:44.040 --> 16:45.040 Say the magic words with me. 16:45.040 --> 16:50.040 And now for a story that gets curiouser and curiouser. 16:50.040 --> 16:51.440 Alice in Wonderland. 16:51.440 --> 16:52.440 So music, sir. 16:52.440 --> 16:53.440 Music, sir. 16:53.440 --> 16:54.440 Music, sir. 16:54.440 --> 16:55.440 Music, sir. 16:55.440 --> 16:56.440 Music, sir. 16:56.440 --> 17:05.600 The eat me cookie magically makes Alice grow. 17:05.600 --> 17:09.880 Up and up she rises, till her head bumps against the ceiling of the chamber. 17:09.880 --> 17:11.720 And now she's so big she fills the room. 17:11.720 --> 17:13.720 The doorknob laughs second picture. 17:13.720 --> 17:19.720 A little of that cookie went a long way. 17:19.720 --> 17:20.720 Suddenly Alice begins to cry. 17:20.720 --> 17:21.720 Oh dear. 17:21.720 --> 17:22.720 Oh dear. 17:22.720 --> 17:25.800 Alice is so huge now that her tears fall like a waterfall. 17:25.800 --> 17:27.760 And the tears begin to cover the floor. 17:27.760 --> 17:33.200 The doorknob says, oh I say now, this won't do at all. 17:33.200 --> 17:34.200 The bottle. 17:34.200 --> 17:36.560 Quick, before you drown me with your tears. 17:36.560 --> 17:40.320 Quickly Alice reaches down, picks up the bottle which is floating and takes a big, big gulp. 17:40.320 --> 17:44.160 And suddenly she begins to shrink again. 17:44.160 --> 17:47.240 She becomes so tiny that she thinks she'll drown in the pool of tears. 17:47.240 --> 17:51.360 So to save herself from drowning, she climbs in the bottle. 17:51.360 --> 17:54.920 In the last picture top row she begins to float away in a sea of tears. 17:54.920 --> 17:55.920 And she calls. 17:55.920 --> 17:57.920 Please, please help me. 17:57.920 --> 17:59.480 She floats for a while. 17:59.480 --> 18:02.000 And then a wave tumbles her upon a beach. 18:02.000 --> 18:05.540 In the first picture bottom row a strange parade is going on. 18:05.540 --> 18:10.600 She sees a dodo bird on top of a little hummock who says, I'm enjoying the chase. 18:10.600 --> 18:13.960 Nothing could be drier than a jelly caucus race. 18:13.960 --> 18:17.060 Fascinated Alice watches the dodo and the caucus race. 18:17.060 --> 18:18.060 Next picture. 18:18.060 --> 18:21.800 Round and around and backward and forward the funny little sea things go. 18:21.800 --> 18:31.040 As the dodo bird says, forward, backward, inward, outward, humm, enjoying the chase. 18:31.040 --> 18:33.360 And suddenly the white rabbit appears again. 18:33.360 --> 18:35.360 And then away he runs. 18:35.360 --> 18:36.360 Alice runs after him. 18:36.360 --> 18:37.360 Third picture bottom row calling. 18:37.360 --> 18:38.360 Oh, oh Mr. Rabbit. 18:38.360 --> 18:42.560 And the white rabbit answers, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late. 18:42.560 --> 18:43.560 Alice chases after him. 18:43.560 --> 18:44.560 Over the hill. 18:44.560 --> 18:45.560 Down the valley. 18:45.560 --> 18:48.560 And into the forest. 18:48.560 --> 18:51.560 Where he disappears. 18:51.560 --> 18:52.560 Last picture. 18:52.560 --> 18:56.560 Alice looks through an avenue of trees and exclaims. 18:56.560 --> 18:59.560 Oh, now where did he go? 18:59.560 --> 19:05.040 While unknown to Alice, two odd little men who are exactly alike are watching her as 19:05.040 --> 19:07.560 she searches for the white rabbit. 19:07.560 --> 19:11.560 Oh, I just love this. 19:11.560 --> 19:14.560 This is so wonderful. 19:14.560 --> 19:18.560 The most interesting and exciting things happen to Alice. 19:18.560 --> 19:21.560 Yes, imagine shrinking so small she could use a bottle for a boat. 19:21.560 --> 19:22.560 Isn't that unusual? 19:22.560 --> 19:23.560 Yes. 19:23.560 --> 19:24.560 And isn't that dodo bird funny? 19:24.560 --> 19:25.560 I should say so. 19:25.560 --> 19:28.560 I wonder who those little men are. 19:28.560 --> 19:30.560 Well, next week you're going to find out about that. 19:30.560 --> 19:32.560 Oh goody, I'll certainly won't miss that. 19:32.560 --> 19:33.560 Fine. 19:33.560 --> 19:34.560 Now let's turn over the page. 19:34.560 --> 19:36.560 And here on the top of page four is Dick's Adventures. 19:36.560 --> 19:41.560 Oh yes, and Dick always has wonderful dreams about the early days of America. 19:41.560 --> 19:44.560 That's interesting and true things about our country. 19:44.560 --> 19:45.560 I wonder what it's going to be today. 19:45.560 --> 19:46.560 Well, let's read right now and find out. 19:46.560 --> 19:48.560 Here we go with Dick's Adventures. 19:48.560 --> 19:49.560 Say the magic words with me. 19:49.560 --> 19:51.560 Riggity-pack-a-zack-a-zick. 19:51.560 --> 19:53.560 Let's have music for adventurous Dick. 19:53.560 --> 20:10.560 On a blustery December day, 1799, Dick finds himself on Washington's plantation at Mount 20:10.560 --> 20:12.560 Vernon, riding beside the general. 20:12.560 --> 20:17.560 With an uneasy premonition of trouble, he glances at the general now in his late 60s, 20:17.560 --> 20:20.560 and he says first picture, you look tired, sir. 20:20.560 --> 20:25.560 There is trouble, for as they rain up before the general's house, he sways in the saddle. 20:25.560 --> 20:28.560 Dick quickly calls, hey, help somebody, help, help. 20:28.560 --> 20:29.560 Servants run to help. 20:29.560 --> 20:34.560 Last picture top row for the general, that giant of strength is stricken. 20:34.560 --> 20:44.560 A short time later, first picture second row, the saddened household learns from the doctor 20:44.560 --> 20:51.560 that only a few hours remain to a great man. 20:51.560 --> 20:56.560 The household is hushed as Dick stands with bowed head, and a soldier joins the ranks 20:56.560 --> 21:03.560 of his beloved countrymen who have gone before him through the years of hardship and struggle. 21:03.560 --> 21:06.560 A shocked nation learns the news. 21:06.560 --> 21:11.560 Last picture second row, both houses of Congress meet, and Dick sees General Light Horse Harry 21:11.560 --> 21:16.560 Lee, father of Robert E. Lee, rise to speak a last tribute. 21:16.560 --> 21:21.560 He hears spoken for the first time the memorable words that Washington was... 21:21.560 --> 21:31.560 First in war, first in peace, and first to the hearts of his countrymen. 21:31.560 --> 21:33.560 But America is not alone in her bereavement. 21:33.560 --> 21:38.560 In France, first picture bottom row, a former corporal stands silent. 21:38.560 --> 21:42.560 The heart of Napoleon, France's greatest general, becomes heavy with the news that the great 21:42.560 --> 21:47.560 American general has passed away. 21:47.560 --> 21:57.560 And next picture, Great England dips her flag to honor the old fox who outwitted her. 21:57.560 --> 22:05.560 And then the years roll forward, and Dick is mumbling, first in war, first in peace, 22:05.560 --> 22:08.560 and in that last picture he sits up. 22:08.560 --> 22:14.560 He looks around and sees that he's in his own room in the year 1951, and Dick exclaims, 22:14.560 --> 22:22.560 Oh gee, I've been dreaming. 22:22.560 --> 22:25.560 Oh, everybody loved George Washington, didn't they? 22:25.560 --> 22:27.560 Yes, everybody was sad when he died. 22:27.560 --> 22:31.560 Well, I should think they would be when you think of all the things he did for this country. 22:31.560 --> 22:32.560 Yes. 22:32.560 --> 22:35.560 It just makes me sad now to think about it. 22:35.560 --> 22:38.560 Well, next week maybe we'll have another interesting story about the early days of America. 22:38.560 --> 22:40.560 Oh goody, because I just love them. 22:40.560 --> 22:41.560 So do I. 22:41.560 --> 22:44.560 Oh look, there's Rusty Raleigh right underneath Dick's adventures. 22:44.560 --> 22:49.560 And you remember last week Tex and Rusty discovered the little girl Queenie's father was not to 22:49.560 --> 22:51.560 blame for that accident that happened in the horse trade. 22:51.560 --> 22:57.560 No, and Rusty has learned that the owner of Grassy Acres, Mr. Crumb, had hired a crook to cause the accident. 22:57.560 --> 23:03.560 And in that accident the wrong driver, a man named Corny Bots, was crippled for life. 23:03.560 --> 23:06.560 And Tex and Rusty have told Corny Bots, who works at Grassy Acres Farm, what they've learned. 23:06.560 --> 23:08.560 Oh, and is he mad? 23:08.560 --> 23:15.560 Corny Bots believed Rusty, and I want to see if he's going to help Rusty and Tex to show up those crooks over there at Grassy Acres. 23:15.560 --> 23:17.560 Well, let's read now and find out. 23:17.560 --> 23:21.560 Gallop and run till the road is dusty. Give us music for his horse and Rusty. 23:29.560 --> 23:31.560 Tex says to Corny, first picture. 23:31.560 --> 23:37.560 Hey, considering what Rusty overheard, there ain't much doubt in my mind that Nick done the sabotaging on your Silky, 23:37.560 --> 23:39.560 thinking of course that it was Kendall's. 23:39.560 --> 23:43.560 Corny replies, yeah, and under Crumb's orders, just let me get to him. 23:43.560 --> 23:47.560 He was supposed to be so big-hearted, giving me a job at Grassy Acres, I'll fix him. 23:47.560 --> 23:49.560 Whoa, whoa, whoa, now take it easy, Corny. 23:49.560 --> 23:54.560 He'd just deny it. You'd be fired. But if you'll help us, we'll get proof. 23:54.560 --> 23:57.560 Yeah, I guess it wouldn't get me nowhere to blow my top. 23:57.560 --> 23:58.560 Well, how can I help, Tex? 23:58.560 --> 24:00.560 Tex goes on, last picture, top row. 24:00.560 --> 24:06.560 Well, for the time being, Corny, maybe the best thing you can do is to spread the word around Grassy Acres 24:06.560 --> 24:10.560 that Milestone Farm is out to beat them at the county fair. 24:10.560 --> 24:12.560 Meanwhile, Rusty'll get in a lot of practice. 24:12.560 --> 24:18.560 Hey, don't see quite what you got in your mind, but well, if it'll help put Crumb where he belongs, I'll do it. 24:18.560 --> 24:20.560 Lad's a natural driver, Tex. 24:20.560 --> 24:26.560 First picture, bottom row. 24:26.560 --> 24:32.560 Rusty goes out to the pasture where he finds Queenie with the famous trotting horse she and Rusty had saved from being sold. 24:32.560 --> 24:35.560 Rusty says, oh, hiya, Queenie. Oh, boy, I got news. 24:35.560 --> 24:38.560 Come on with me and I'll tell you. Tex is hatching some kind of a plan. 24:38.560 --> 24:41.560 He wants me to take Snowflake to the blacksmith shop. 24:41.560 --> 24:43.560 That means he's going to put racing plates on her. 24:43.560 --> 24:46.560 Queenie is surprised that Tex is going to put Snowflake in a race. 24:46.560 --> 24:50.560 She says she thought they'd have to have a sulky, which is a little racing cart to hitch onto the horse. 24:50.560 --> 24:52.560 Rusty says, well, Tex has got that fixed too. 24:52.560 --> 24:56.560 Old Sam, who works at the Lexington Trotters track, is going to lend us one. 24:56.560 --> 24:59.560 And Rusty takes Snowflake by the halter and leads her to the barn. 25:04.560 --> 25:09.560 A little later, Rusty finds Tex in the yard working on a racing sulky, and he says, third picture, bottom row. 25:09.560 --> 25:11.560 But she willikens usulkies here. 25:11.560 --> 25:15.560 Tex replies, yep, you're going to put in a lot of time with it, Rusty. 25:15.560 --> 25:20.560 You don't know it yet, but you're going to ride this here chariot at the county fair. 25:24.560 --> 25:29.560 Meanwhile, at Grassy Acres Farm, Corny Botts, who has returned, has gone into Mr. Crum's office. 25:29.560 --> 25:34.560 And last picture is saying, hey, boss, did you know Milestone's going in for Trotters? 25:34.560 --> 25:37.560 They're saying they're going to make your entry look sick at the county fair. 25:37.560 --> 25:41.560 Mr. Crum leans back in his chair, puffs on his cigar and grins, 25:41.560 --> 25:47.560 oh, yeah, well, they must still be leaving Santa Claus if they think I'm going to let any horse beat Poob off. 25:53.560 --> 25:57.560 I wonder why Tex wants Rusty to ride in a race against the Grassy Acres horse. 25:57.560 --> 26:00.560 He must have some scheme in mind by which he hopes he can trick Mr. Crum. 26:00.560 --> 26:01.560 But I wonder what it is. 26:01.560 --> 26:05.560 I'm sure I don't know, but that's something that Tex isn't going to tell us until next week. 26:05.560 --> 26:07.560 Well, I wish he'd tell me now. 26:07.560 --> 26:08.560 Oh, he won't, though. 26:08.560 --> 26:12.560 You'll be here next week and we'll find out a lot more interesting things about the comics. 26:12.560 --> 26:15.560 And there'll be another exciting chapter of Alice in Wonderland. 26:15.560 --> 26:17.560 Now, that's all the time I have. 26:17.560 --> 26:22.560 But before I go, here's that nice fellow with some more interesting information. 26:32.560 --> 26:34.560 Well, honey, and all you boys and girls, I've got to go now. 26:34.560 --> 26:37.560 All right, Mr. Comic Weekly Man, but I'll be waiting for you next week. 26:37.560 --> 26:40.560 Okay, that's the date, the date with all you boys and girls. 26:40.560 --> 26:45.560 Be sure to meet me with our little friend Miss Honey next week when I read Puck the Comic Weekly. 26:45.560 --> 26:50.560 For I'm the Comic Weekly Man, the jolly Comic Weekly Man. 26:50.560 --> 26:55.560 I'll be back to read the funnies to you happy boys and honeys. 26:55.560 --> 26:58.560 Don't forget, boys and girls, see you all next week. 26:58.560 --> 27:04.560 Your friend the Comic Weekly Man, the jolly Comic Weekly Man. 27:28.560 --> 27:30.560 Thank you.