WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:10.720 Ladies and gentlemen, the story you are about to hear is true. 00:10.720 --> 00:21.800 The names have been changed to protect the innocent. 00:21.800 --> 00:23.560 You're a detective sergeant. 00:23.560 --> 00:25.800 You're assigned a robbery detail. 00:25.800 --> 00:28.160 You get a call from an officer in another division. 00:28.160 --> 00:31.360 He's come across some information about a robbery. 00:31.360 --> 00:38.760 Your job, check it out. 00:38.760 --> 00:53.760 Dragnet, the documented drama of an actual crime. 00:53.760 --> 00:58.120 For the next 30 minutes in cooperation with the Los Angeles Police Department, you will 00:58.120 --> 01:02.760 travel step by step on the side of the law through an actual case transcribed from official 01:02.760 --> 01:04.480 police files. 01:04.480 --> 01:09.680 From beginning to end, from crime to punishment, Dragnet is the story of your police force 01:09.680 --> 01:11.720 in action. 01:11.720 --> 01:16.040 It was Wednesday, May 18th. 01:16.040 --> 01:17.440 It was hot in Los Angeles. 01:17.440 --> 01:19.240 We were working the day watch out of robbery detail. 01:19.240 --> 01:21.880 My partner is Frank Smith, the boss of Chief of Detective Stad Brown. 01:21.880 --> 01:22.880 My name is Friday. 01:22.880 --> 01:23.880 We were on our way down from the office. 01:23.880 --> 01:28.560 It was 1047 a.m. when we got to the R&I counter. 01:28.560 --> 01:29.560 Coke machine. 01:29.560 --> 01:31.560 I don't see him. 01:31.560 --> 01:32.560 No? 01:32.560 --> 01:34.720 It's quite a gadget, huh, Joe? 01:34.720 --> 01:35.720 What? 01:35.720 --> 01:36.720 A machine here. 01:36.720 --> 01:37.720 Real piece of work. 01:37.720 --> 01:38.720 Sure is. 01:38.720 --> 01:39.720 Here you are. 01:39.720 --> 01:40.720 Thank you. 01:40.720 --> 01:42.760 He's starting to figure, Joe, all the wires in there, levers. 01:42.760 --> 01:44.720 Must be a couple hundred wheels. 01:44.720 --> 01:45.720 Yeah. 01:45.720 --> 01:47.560 Did Johnny say why he wanted to see us? 01:47.560 --> 01:48.560 Uh-uh. 01:48.560 --> 01:49.560 Yes, sir. 01:49.560 --> 01:51.040 It must be four or five miles of the wire and that thing. 01:51.040 --> 01:52.040 Yeah, at least. 01:52.040 --> 01:55.040 Why do you think he did it, Joe? 01:55.040 --> 01:56.040 What? 01:56.040 --> 01:57.040 Invent the machine. 01:57.040 --> 01:58.040 I don't know. 01:58.040 --> 02:00.040 Maybe he just liked to invent things. 02:00.040 --> 02:01.640 No, I don't think that's it. 02:01.640 --> 02:02.640 What's your idea? 02:02.640 --> 02:04.960 Well, a guy would have to spend a lot of time to build something like this. 02:04.960 --> 02:06.960 Maybe a couple of years. 02:06.960 --> 02:07.960 Yeah. 02:07.960 --> 02:14.760 Figure now, a person just has to step up, put a coin in, cup drops down, syrup pours 02:14.760 --> 02:17.760 in, seltzer, way it's all measured out. 02:17.760 --> 02:20.640 Yeah, a guy would have to spend a lot of time on that. 02:20.640 --> 02:21.640 Yeah, I guess so. 02:21.640 --> 02:22.640 Sure. 02:22.640 --> 02:25.800 Got to be a good reason for thinking it up. 02:25.800 --> 02:27.080 What's your idea? 02:27.080 --> 02:29.040 I don't think you could find a bottle of it. 02:29.040 --> 02:30.040 Yeah, sure. 02:30.040 --> 02:31.040 Joe. 02:31.040 --> 02:32.040 Frank. 02:32.040 --> 02:33.040 Hi, John. 02:33.040 --> 02:34.040 Oh, hi, John. 02:34.040 --> 02:35.040 Sorry I'm late. 02:35.040 --> 02:36.040 I got a call on my way out. 02:36.040 --> 02:37.040 No trouble. 02:37.040 --> 02:38.040 What do you got? 02:38.040 --> 02:39.040 Picked up a kid day before yesterday. 02:39.040 --> 02:40.040 He's carrying a can full of grass. 02:40.040 --> 02:41.480 Pretty rough kid when we tagged him. 02:41.480 --> 02:42.480 Wouldn't give us a time of day. 02:42.480 --> 02:43.480 How old is he? 02:43.480 --> 02:44.480 Seventeen, just under the line. 02:44.480 --> 02:45.480 Uh-huh. 02:45.480 --> 02:46.480 We got to the talking room last night. 02:46.480 --> 02:47.480 Started to relax. 02:47.480 --> 02:48.480 Guess he knew he was in trouble. 02:48.480 --> 02:49.480 Yeah. 02:49.480 --> 02:52.440 One thing led to another, and the kid ended up talking pretty good. 02:52.440 --> 02:53.560 What'd he give you? 02:53.560 --> 02:54.560 Rumble about his brother. 02:54.560 --> 02:55.560 Got big plans. 02:55.560 --> 02:56.560 Yeah. 02:56.560 --> 03:05.320 And a knock over a loan company. 03:05.320 --> 03:08.480 Captain Powers, Frank and I left the city hall, drove over to Georgia Street Juvenile. 03:08.480 --> 03:10.640 We had the suspect brought to one of the interview rooms. 03:10.640 --> 03:13.640 All right, sit down with me. 03:13.640 --> 03:16.320 Hi, Mr. Sergeant Friday and Officer Smith. 03:16.320 --> 03:18.080 I want to talk to you. 03:18.080 --> 03:19.680 Frank, it's Homer Rankin. 03:19.680 --> 03:20.680 How are you? 03:20.680 --> 03:21.680 Nice to meet you. 03:21.680 --> 03:22.680 What do you want? 03:22.680 --> 03:24.560 Well, I told them what you said about your brother, Homer. 03:24.560 --> 03:26.680 They'd like to go over it with you. 03:26.680 --> 03:27.680 That's a lousy deal. 03:27.680 --> 03:29.280 What do you mean by that, son? 03:29.280 --> 03:31.360 Stinks, that's what I mean. 03:31.360 --> 03:33.080 What I told you wasn't supposed to be broadcast. 03:33.080 --> 03:34.600 I'm just trying to help you out, kid. 03:34.600 --> 03:35.600 Yeah, where's your shovel? 03:35.600 --> 03:38.640 The word leaks like turn pink and the services will be real nice. 03:38.640 --> 03:39.640 You're all invited. 03:39.640 --> 03:41.640 Look, boy, you're not going to help yourself by acting like this, and you're not going 03:41.640 --> 03:43.080 to do your brother any good either. 03:43.080 --> 03:44.640 You tell me all about it, huh? 03:44.640 --> 03:46.200 What are you trying to build, Homer? 03:46.200 --> 03:47.200 What do you want? 03:47.200 --> 03:48.200 You're going to do it alone. 03:48.200 --> 03:49.200 We can't do that, you know it. 03:49.200 --> 03:50.200 Try. 03:50.200 --> 03:51.200 Look, Homer, you're in trouble. 03:51.200 --> 03:54.200 Why make it any worse, huh? 03:54.200 --> 03:55.840 You got me for possession, that's all. 03:55.840 --> 03:57.480 You ain't going to make any more out of it. 03:57.480 --> 03:58.480 All right, let's go. 03:58.480 --> 03:59.480 Come on, kid. 03:59.480 --> 04:00.480 Where to now? 04:00.480 --> 04:02.480 The basement for the rubber hose, huh? 04:02.480 --> 04:04.480 Going back to your cell. 04:04.480 --> 04:05.480 Good. 04:05.480 --> 04:06.920 I didn't sleep good last night. 04:06.920 --> 04:08.560 Maybe I can get some sack time. 04:08.560 --> 04:09.560 You better do it while you can. 04:09.560 --> 04:11.560 What's that supposed to mean? 04:11.560 --> 04:15.320 The time the court gets through you, you're not going to feel like sleeping, I'm afraid. 04:15.320 --> 04:17.120 What do you do? 04:17.120 --> 04:18.720 Where do you work? 04:18.720 --> 04:20.720 What's your job around here? 04:20.720 --> 04:21.720 Robbery. 04:21.720 --> 04:22.720 Big guys, huh? 04:22.720 --> 04:23.720 No. 04:23.720 --> 04:25.120 I heard about you fellas. 04:25.120 --> 04:26.120 Big time operators. 04:26.120 --> 04:28.120 I guess I should feel pretty good you come to see me. 04:28.120 --> 04:29.120 How do you figure that? 04:29.120 --> 04:31.920 You don't waste your time on small time stuff. 04:31.920 --> 04:34.360 Well, you better take another look. 04:34.360 --> 04:41.640 We did this morning. 04:41.640 --> 04:44.480 We sent back to Captain Power's office and got the name and address of the subject's 04:44.480 --> 04:45.480 brother. 04:45.480 --> 04:48.400 It was 10 p.m., we drove back to City Hall and had the name checked through R&I. 04:48.400 --> 04:49.400 Here you are. 04:49.400 --> 04:50.400 Thanks, home. 04:50.400 --> 04:51.400 That's a fat packing. 04:51.400 --> 04:52.400 Yeah. 04:52.400 --> 04:53.400 Let's see the arrest report. 04:53.400 --> 04:54.400 It's long. 04:54.400 --> 04:55.400 It's all burglary, 2-11. 04:55.400 --> 04:56.400 It's been busy. 04:56.400 --> 04:57.400 Yeah. 04:57.400 --> 04:58.400 You got a 5-2 there? 04:58.400 --> 04:59.400 There it is. 04:59.400 --> 05:00.400 Who's he listed as next to Ken? 05:00.400 --> 05:01.400 White, Paula Rankin, 101st Street address. 05:01.400 --> 05:02.400 Better talk to him. 05:02.400 --> 05:03.400 Yeah, I'll talk to him. 05:03.400 --> 05:04.400 I'll talk to him. 05:04.400 --> 05:05.400 I'll talk to him. 05:05.400 --> 05:06.400 I'll talk to him. 05:06.400 --> 05:07.400 I'll talk to him. 05:07.400 --> 05:08.400 I'll talk to him. 05:08.400 --> 05:09.400 I'll talk to him. 05:09.400 --> 05:10.400 I'll talk to him. 05:10.400 --> 05:11.400 I'll talk to him. 05:11.400 --> 05:12.400 I'll talk to him. 05:12.400 --> 05:16.620 I'll talk to him. 05:16.620 --> 05:18.580 You think the kid told powers of truth? 05:18.580 --> 05:19.860 I don't know. 05:19.860 --> 05:21.500 Maybe he just wanted to sound big. 05:21.500 --> 05:22.500 That's possible. 05:22.500 --> 05:23.700 Brother sure fits though. 05:23.700 --> 05:24.700 Mm-hmm. 05:24.700 --> 05:25.700 This guy's been lucky. 05:25.700 --> 05:26.700 What do you mean? 05:26.700 --> 05:28.740 Well, the arrest, he's never stood a conviction. 05:28.740 --> 05:34.240 Let's see if we can change that. 05:34.240 --> 05:41.960 We got a copy of the suspect's mugshot and we went out to see his wife. 05:41.960 --> 05:44.960 She lived in one of the new housing projects on the south side of the city. 05:46.960 --> 05:47.960 Miss Rankin? 05:47.960 --> 05:48.960 That's right. 05:48.960 --> 05:49.960 Police officers, we'd like to talk to you. 05:49.960 --> 05:51.960 I don't know anything about the marijuana. 05:51.960 --> 05:53.960 Kid got it someplace. It's his problem. 05:53.960 --> 05:55.960 I got enough of my own. 05:55.960 --> 05:56.960 We'd like to talk to you about your husband. 05:56.960 --> 05:57.960 Tim? 05:57.960 --> 05:58.960 That's right. 05:58.960 --> 05:59.960 Come on in. 05:59.960 --> 06:00.960 Thank you. 06:03.960 --> 06:04.960 Want to sit down? 06:04.960 --> 06:05.960 Thanks. 06:06.960 --> 06:08.960 This is my partner Frank Smith. My name's Friday. 06:08.960 --> 06:09.960 Yeah. 06:09.960 --> 06:11.960 Now what's the beef about Tim? 06:11.960 --> 06:12.960 Is he here? 06:12.960 --> 06:13.960 No. 06:13.960 --> 06:14.960 You know where he is? 06:14.960 --> 06:15.960 No, I don't. 06:15.960 --> 06:16.960 When did you see him last? 06:16.960 --> 06:17.960 A couple of days ago. 06:17.960 --> 06:18.960 He out of town? 06:18.960 --> 06:19.960 I don't know. Couldn't care any less. 06:19.960 --> 06:21.960 Do you have any idea where we can get in touch with him? 06:21.960 --> 06:25.960 Listen, mister, if I knew you'd have it, I got nothing to save him from. 06:25.960 --> 06:27.960 As far as I'm concerned, he can boil. 06:27.960 --> 06:28.960 Is that so? 06:28.960 --> 06:29.960 Yeah. 06:29.960 --> 06:33.960 Since the day I met him, I've been carrying the economy-side of trouble. 06:33.960 --> 06:35.960 Week goes by and he ain't pinched. 06:35.960 --> 06:38.960 It's a cause to get arrested for shooting off skyrockets. 06:38.960 --> 06:40.960 Always something. I'm tired of it. 06:40.960 --> 06:42.960 And I'm through with him. 06:42.960 --> 06:44.960 Never see him again. I ain't gonna cry about it. 06:44.960 --> 06:46.960 You got any other relatives in town? 06:46.960 --> 06:47.960 Just the JD. 06:47.960 --> 06:48.960 Ma'am? 06:48.960 --> 06:50.960 The kid, Homer. He's the only one. 06:50.960 --> 06:51.960 Boy lives here, is that right? 06:51.960 --> 06:55.960 He's got a bed. Don't use it much. Like his brother. 06:55.960 --> 06:57.960 All the time out trying to get himself hung up. 06:57.960 --> 07:00.960 Never seen such a trouble family. 07:00.960 --> 07:02.960 Any place your husband might go? 07:02.960 --> 07:05.960 I told you before, if there is, I don't know about it. 07:05.960 --> 07:06.960 Does he have a job? 07:06.960 --> 07:07.960 Tim? 07:07.960 --> 07:08.960 Yes, ma'am. 07:08.960 --> 07:12.960 Honey, if you got paid for goofing, Tim could retire. 07:12.960 --> 07:15.960 Only thing wrong is he ain't got nothing to retire from. 07:15.960 --> 07:16.960 He doesn't have a job. 07:16.960 --> 07:18.960 That's the general idea, yeah. 07:18.960 --> 07:19.960 Where does he spend his time? 07:19.960 --> 07:20.960 Ain't around here. 07:20.960 --> 07:21.960 Where, do you know? 07:21.960 --> 07:22.960 I don't know. 07:22.960 --> 07:24.960 Guess it'd be the hot dog stand. 07:24.960 --> 07:27.960 Couple of times when I needed some money, I caught up with him there. 07:27.960 --> 07:28.960 Where is the place? 07:28.960 --> 07:30.960 Down on 114th, a couple blocks over. 07:30.960 --> 07:32.960 You can't miss it. One of those all-night places. 07:32.960 --> 07:34.960 Your husband have any close friends? 07:34.960 --> 07:36.960 What do you mean, close? 07:36.960 --> 07:37.960 Who does he spend time with? 07:37.960 --> 07:39.960 Yeah, a couple of guys, but that... 07:39.960 --> 07:40.960 You know their names? 07:40.960 --> 07:41.960 No. 07:41.960 --> 07:42.960 You ever seen them? 07:42.960 --> 07:45.960 Yeah. One of them was here once, I saw him. 07:45.960 --> 07:47.960 Can you give us a name? 07:47.960 --> 07:50.960 No, I don't remember. Me and Tim had a beef about it. 07:50.960 --> 07:53.960 I came home and found him and this bum, Croc Don Beer, had a beef about it, 07:53.960 --> 07:55.960 and ended up with both of them leaving. 07:55.960 --> 07:57.960 Can you describe the man for us? 07:57.960 --> 08:00.960 He's a man. Got a head, two arms, two legs. 08:00.960 --> 08:02.960 That's all you can tell us? 08:02.960 --> 08:03.960 Yeah. 08:03.960 --> 08:05.960 All right, thanks for the time. 08:05.960 --> 08:07.960 Don't worry about it, it's free. 08:07.960 --> 08:09.960 I'm gonna leave you a card if you hear from your husband. 08:09.960 --> 08:10.960 We'd appreciate a call. 08:10.960 --> 08:12.960 Sure. Well, don't hold your breath. 08:12.960 --> 08:14.960 He's unlikely he'll come back this time. 08:14.960 --> 08:16.960 Can you tell him what it's about? 08:16.960 --> 08:19.960 It's a police matter. It'd be better if we talked to him personally. 08:19.960 --> 08:21.960 Can I get you anything? A drink, maybe? 08:21.960 --> 08:22.960 No, thanks. 08:22.960 --> 08:24.960 Too bad. 08:24.960 --> 08:28.960 Sometimes when you're in the neighborhood, you know, not working. 08:28.960 --> 08:30.960 Drop in, I'll pour you a drink. 08:30.960 --> 08:31.960 Yeah, sure. 08:31.960 --> 08:32.960 No, I mean it. 08:32.960 --> 08:35.960 The girl gets lonely just sitting by herself. 08:35.960 --> 08:37.960 The company'd be nice. 08:37.960 --> 08:39.960 You're not married, are you? 08:39.960 --> 08:40.960 No, ma'am. 08:40.960 --> 08:41.960 That's nice. 08:41.960 --> 08:43.960 You drop by now. 08:43.960 --> 08:44.960 Anytime. 08:44.960 --> 08:46.960 You bet. Thanks again. 08:47.960 --> 08:48.960 Goodbye, Miss Rankin. 08:48.960 --> 08:50.960 Bye. 08:52.960 --> 08:53.960 Hey, Joe. 08:53.960 --> 08:55.960 Just do me a favor, will you? 08:55.960 --> 08:56.960 Sure, old buddy. What is it? 08:56.960 --> 09:02.960 Be quiet. 09:05.960 --> 09:09.960 We checked with the neighbors and they verified Miss Rankin's story about her husband's absence. 09:09.960 --> 09:11.960 None of them were able to tell us where he might have gone. 09:11.960 --> 09:15.960 Other than saying that the Rankins fought constantly, they were not able to give us any new information. 09:15.960 --> 09:17.960 2.15 p.m. 09:17.960 --> 09:20.960 We drove down to the hot dog stand on 114th. 09:20.960 --> 09:24.960 There was no one at the counter who looked like the suspect, Tim Rankin. 09:24.960 --> 09:26.960 Who would it be? 09:26.960 --> 09:27.960 Cup of coffee. 09:27.960 --> 09:29.960 Okay, how about you? 09:29.960 --> 09:31.960 Number six, I guess. 09:31.960 --> 09:32.960 You make that with cheddar cheese? 09:32.960 --> 09:33.960 Yeah. 09:33.960 --> 09:34.960 Okay, I'll have one of those. 09:34.960 --> 09:35.960 Glass of milk, too. 09:35.960 --> 09:36.960 Sure. 09:36.960 --> 09:37.960 Want your coffee now? 09:37.960 --> 09:39.960 Please. 09:39.960 --> 09:41.960 Hot. 09:41.960 --> 09:43.960 That's good, and that's the way we like it. 09:43.960 --> 09:45.960 Oh, not the coffee, the sun. 09:45.960 --> 09:46.960 Oh, yeah. 09:46.960 --> 09:49.960 And the paper says it's 91 Pacific Center. 09:49.960 --> 09:50.960 Uh-huh. 09:50.960 --> 09:52.960 We should be doing more business than we are. 09:52.960 --> 09:54.960 I understand it, though. 09:54.960 --> 09:55.960 Is that right? 09:55.960 --> 09:56.960 You know, cold drinks. 09:56.960 --> 09:58.960 Hot day people all the time drinking something cold. 09:58.960 --> 09:59.960 Yeah. 09:59.960 --> 10:00.960 No offense. 10:00.960 --> 10:01.960 Oh, that's all right. 10:01.960 --> 10:03.960 Malamute would be ready right away. 10:03.960 --> 10:04.960 Huh? 10:04.960 --> 10:06.960 That's what the number six is, Malamute. 10:06.960 --> 10:07.960 Oh. 10:07.960 --> 10:10.960 Have you seen Tim Rankin around this morning? 10:10.960 --> 10:13.960 Uh, yeah, he was in about 10. 10:13.960 --> 10:14.960 You guys friends of his? 10:14.960 --> 10:16.960 We like to talk to him. 10:16.960 --> 10:18.960 We came in, had a cup of coffee with Shelly. 10:18.960 --> 10:21.960 Two of them left, I guess, about 10.30. 10:21.960 --> 10:22.960 Who was he with, you know? 10:22.960 --> 10:24.960 Shelly, you know, Shelly Mitchell. 10:24.960 --> 10:25.960 Oh, yeah. 10:25.960 --> 10:26.960 Big buddies all the time together. 10:26.960 --> 10:27.960 You know where they went? 10:27.960 --> 10:28.960 No, I don't know. 10:28.960 --> 10:29.960 Maybe over at Shelly's. 10:29.960 --> 10:30.960 Does he live around here? 10:30.960 --> 10:33.960 Yeah, he's got a pad a couple blocks over. 10:33.960 --> 10:35.960 Hey, your dog will be ready. 10:42.960 --> 10:44.960 You know the address of that place? 10:44.960 --> 10:46.960 Uh-uh. 10:46.960 --> 10:48.960 I never been there. 10:48.960 --> 10:50.960 Heard the two of them talk about it, though. 10:50.960 --> 10:52.960 This guy and Mitchell work? 10:52.960 --> 10:54.960 No, I don't think either one of them do. 10:54.960 --> 10:55.960 Uh-uh. 10:55.960 --> 10:56.960 Want to leave your names? 10:56.960 --> 10:58.960 Guys come back, I'll tell them you're here. 10:58.960 --> 11:00.960 Well, it'd be better if you didn't say anything about it. 11:00.960 --> 11:01.960 Why not? 11:01.960 --> 11:03.960 We're police officers. 11:03.960 --> 11:04.960 Both of you? 11:04.960 --> 11:06.960 That's right. 11:06.960 --> 11:07.960 Sure never a guest. 11:07.960 --> 11:08.960 Uh-uh. 11:08.960 --> 11:10.960 Cops. 11:10.960 --> 11:11.960 You never would have known. 11:11.960 --> 11:12.960 You look just like anybody else. 11:12.960 --> 11:14.960 Uh-uh. 11:14.960 --> 11:16.960 What are you after Tim and Shelly for? 11:16.960 --> 11:18.960 I bet it's a loan company job, huh? 11:18.960 --> 11:19.960 Huh? 11:19.960 --> 11:20.960 Is that it? 11:20.960 --> 11:21.960 What do you know about it? 11:21.960 --> 11:23.960 Oh, look, mister, I didn't have any part in the action. 11:23.960 --> 11:24.960 I just heard them talking. 11:24.960 --> 11:25.960 That's all? 11:25.960 --> 11:26.960 Yeah, gospel. 11:26.960 --> 11:27.960 I didn't even think they were serious. 11:27.960 --> 11:30.960 If I'd known they meant it, I'd have called the cops myself. 11:30.960 --> 11:31.960 I don't want to get mixed up in nothing like that. 11:31.960 --> 11:32.960 Not me. 11:32.960 --> 11:34.960 I ain't about to put my neck out. 11:34.960 --> 11:35.960 What'd they say about the job? 11:35.960 --> 11:37.960 Oh, just they're going to pull it. 11:37.960 --> 11:39.960 All the time I thought they were kidding. 11:39.960 --> 11:40.960 Talking big. 11:40.960 --> 11:41.960 I sure never figured they'd really do it. 11:41.960 --> 11:42.960 What's the name of the company? 11:42.960 --> 11:43.960 Huh? 11:43.960 --> 11:45.960 That place they talked about, what's the name of it? 11:45.960 --> 11:47.960 Uh, Timely Loan Company over on Western. 11:47.960 --> 11:49.960 They say when they were going to make it? 11:49.960 --> 11:51.960 They talked about Monday afternoon. 11:51.960 --> 11:53.960 I guess they decided not to wake them. 11:53.960 --> 11:55.960 Either one of them drive a car, do you know? 11:55.960 --> 11:56.960 Well, Shelley does. 11:56.960 --> 11:57.960 I don't think it is, though. 11:57.960 --> 11:58.960 You ever seen it? 11:58.960 --> 12:00.960 Yeah, a couple times he's had it there. 12:00.960 --> 12:01.960 What kind of a car is it? 12:01.960 --> 12:04.960 Uh, Pontiac, four door. 12:04.960 --> 12:06.960 Happen to know the license number? 12:06.960 --> 12:08.960 Sorry, fellas never pay much attention to it. 12:08.960 --> 12:10.960 Either one of them say when they'd be back? 12:10.960 --> 12:12.960 No, could be any time, though. 12:12.960 --> 12:13.960 They come and go. 12:13.960 --> 12:15.960 You know if this Mitchell's ever been arrested? 12:15.960 --> 12:17.960 I can't give you an answer, never heard him talk about it. 12:17.960 --> 12:18.960 Mm-hmm. 12:18.960 --> 12:20.960 Oh, when'd they hit the place? 12:20.960 --> 12:21.960 What? 12:21.960 --> 12:22.960 When they robbed the loan company. 12:22.960 --> 12:23.960 I never read nothing about it. 12:23.960 --> 12:24.960 Paper seven got in here. 12:24.960 --> 12:25.960 Anybody hurt? 12:25.960 --> 12:26.960 Why do you ask that? 12:26.960 --> 12:29.960 Hmm, kind of figures, it's all. 12:29.960 --> 12:30.960 Yeah? 12:30.960 --> 12:31.960 Sure, I know one thing for sure. 12:31.960 --> 12:32.960 I wouldn't want to get in Shelley's way. 12:32.960 --> 12:34.960 The leg don't slow him down a bit. 12:34.960 --> 12:35.960 What do you mean? 12:35.960 --> 12:36.960 He's got a wooden leg, you know. 12:36.960 --> 12:38.960 Here, the right one. 12:38.960 --> 12:40.960 Told me once he got wounded in the war. 12:40.960 --> 12:41.960 Am I right? 12:41.960 --> 12:43.960 He still walks with a little limp, like this. 12:43.960 --> 12:44.960 Mm-hmm. 12:44.960 --> 12:46.960 He's still untangled with a guy once, happened in the alley, out in the back. 12:46.960 --> 12:47.960 Yeah? 12:47.960 --> 12:49.960 He almost knocked the fellow's head right off his shoulders. 12:49.960 --> 12:50.960 Real punch. 12:50.960 --> 12:51.960 Is that right? 12:51.960 --> 12:53.960 Yeah, that's why I asked if anybody had been hurt. 12:53.960 --> 12:54.960 Shelley, he's feeling like he is. 12:54.960 --> 12:55.960 Yeah. 12:55.960 --> 12:57.960 Of course, I guess he wouldn't hit anybody, be no need for it. 12:57.960 --> 12:58.960 What do you mean? 12:58.960 --> 12:59.960 Well, he wouldn't have to, that's all. 12:59.960 --> 13:00.960 Yeah? 13:00.960 --> 13:01.960 Both of them got guns. 13:01.960 --> 13:10.960 Frank and I arranged for a steak out on the hot dog stand, and we went back to City Hall 13:10.960 --> 13:13.960 and ran the name Shelley Mitchell and his description through R9. 13:13.960 --> 13:15.960 We came up with a possible that looked good. 13:15.960 --> 13:18.960 The mugshot was pulled and shown to the owner of the hot dog stand. 13:18.960 --> 13:19.960 He gave a positive identification. 13:19.960 --> 13:23.960 We contacted Army authorities and requested one information they could give us. 13:23.960 --> 13:26.960 Yes, sir, huh? 13:26.960 --> 13:27.960 When was it? 13:27.960 --> 13:29.960 Let's see. 13:29.960 --> 13:32.960 You have those numbers? 13:32.960 --> 13:33.960 Right. 13:33.960 --> 13:35.960 Now I have them. 13:35.960 --> 13:37.960 All right, Lieutenant, thanks again. 13:37.960 --> 13:39.960 Friday. 13:39.960 --> 13:41.960 Michigan 5211. 13:41.960 --> 13:42.960 Extension 2511. 13:42.960 --> 13:44.960 No, it's 25. 13:44.960 --> 13:45.960 Right? 13:45.960 --> 13:47.960 Okay, many thanks. 13:47.960 --> 13:48.960 How about it? 13:48.960 --> 13:49.960 Looks good. 13:49.960 --> 13:50.960 He was given a dishonorable discharge. 13:50.960 --> 13:51.960 For what? 13:51.960 --> 13:52.960 Theft. 13:52.960 --> 13:54.960 Spent a couple of months in the stockade and then the Army kicked him out. 13:54.960 --> 13:55.960 Yeah. 13:55.960 --> 13:56.960 They'd like to talk to him again, though. 13:56.960 --> 13:57.960 Well, how come? 13:57.960 --> 14:00.960 According to the Lieutenant, seems after he left they got to checking and he didn't leave alone. 14:00.960 --> 14:01.960 What do you mean? 14:01.960 --> 14:12.960 Took 345 automatics with him. 14:12.960 --> 14:17.960 An immediate check was made at the last place listed in Mitchell's package, but he'd moved and left no forwarding address. 14:17.960 --> 14:20.960 Additional officers began to canvas the area where he was supposed to be living. 14:20.960 --> 14:26.960 Local broadcasts and APVs were gotten out on both suspects and a stakeout was set up on Tim Rankin's home. 14:26.960 --> 14:31.960 That afternoon we met with Captain Donahoe and it was decided to put a stakeout on the loan company. 14:31.960 --> 14:32.960 4.50 p.m. 14:32.960 --> 14:36.960 Frank and I were leaving the office to make the necessary arrangements. 14:36.960 --> 14:37.960 You got the mug? 14:37.960 --> 14:38.960 Yeah, we better get on it right away. 14:38.960 --> 14:39.960 Yeah. 14:39.960 --> 14:46.960 Hot shot. 14:46.960 --> 14:47.960 We missed it. 14:47.960 --> 14:48.960 Huh? 14:48.960 --> 14:49.960 Timely Loan Company. 14:49.960 --> 14:50.960 Yeah. 14:50.960 --> 15:14.960 Music 15:14.960 --> 15:17.960 Frank and I left the office and drove out to the Timely Loan Company on Western Avenue. 15:17.960 --> 15:21.960 By the time we got there a radio card answered the call and the officers were checking the neighborhood. 15:21.960 --> 15:24.960 A broadcast had already been gotten out carrying their description. 15:24.960 --> 15:27.960 Frank and I talked with a manager, a Mr. Richard Conover. 15:27.960 --> 15:29.960 Is there anything we can do for you, sir? 15:29.960 --> 15:30.960 No. 15:30.960 --> 15:33.960 Why don't you take a look at some pictures and see if you can recognize the holdup man? 15:33.960 --> 15:34.960 I have to. 15:34.960 --> 15:36.960 Well, it'll help us. 15:36.960 --> 15:37.960 All right. 15:37.960 --> 15:40.960 Here they are, sir. 15:40.960 --> 15:41.960 No, they're not here. 15:41.960 --> 15:42.960 You sure? 15:42.960 --> 15:43.960 I looked at them. 15:43.960 --> 15:44.960 You haven't got a picture. 15:44.960 --> 15:46.960 Would you mind going through them again? 15:46.960 --> 15:52.960 I'll be honest with you, I'd like to see you get the two men, but the money's insured I'm not going to put my family on the block for you. 15:52.960 --> 15:54.960 I don't think I understand. 15:54.960 --> 15:55.960 It's just that I believe in them, that's all. 15:55.960 --> 15:56.960 What do you mean? 15:56.960 --> 16:00.960 On the way out they told me, said if I helped the police they'd find out and make me sorry for it. 16:00.960 --> 16:01.960 Yeah. 16:01.960 --> 16:03.960 Said they'd get my family. 16:03.960 --> 16:10.960 Music 16:10.960 --> 16:13.960 We went over the description Conover had given the uniform men. 16:13.960 --> 16:15.960 It could have fit almost anyone. 16:15.960 --> 16:19.960 The crime lab came out and went over the offices of the loan company, they found nothing that would aid us. 16:19.960 --> 16:21.960 The people in the immediate vicinity were interviewed. 16:21.960 --> 16:24.960 None of them were able to give us a good description of the suspects. 16:24.960 --> 16:28.960 The victim Richard Conover was taken to the city hall where Frank and I talked to him for over an hour. 16:28.960 --> 16:30.960 8.14 p.m. 16:30.960 --> 16:31.960 Mr. Conover, we need your help. 16:31.960 --> 16:34.960 If we don't have it, our job's going to be five times as hard. 16:34.960 --> 16:37.960 I've told you I'm not going to put my family in jeopardy. 16:37.960 --> 16:39.960 Well now look, we'll put a policeman in your house. 16:39.960 --> 16:42.960 He'll be there 24 hours a day until we come up with a thieves. 16:42.960 --> 16:43.960 There'll be an officer with your children. 16:43.960 --> 16:44.960 Nobody's going to get in there. 16:44.960 --> 16:45.960 That's ridiculous. 16:45.960 --> 16:46.960 What do you mean? 16:46.960 --> 16:49.960 I'm not going to subject them to that kind of supervision. 16:49.960 --> 16:51.960 Well then maybe you better take another look Mr. Conover. 16:51.960 --> 16:54.960 There are two men in this city who've held you up and they've made threats on your life. 16:54.960 --> 16:57.960 Now we don't blame you for being concerned but this isn't going to help. 16:57.960 --> 16:59.960 Unless you go along with us our hands are tied. 16:59.960 --> 17:01.960 There isn't anything we can do. 17:01.960 --> 17:06.960 You've got no reason to believe that these men aren't going to try to get at you even if you don't talk. 17:06.960 --> 17:08.960 You're the only one who can identify them. 17:08.960 --> 17:11.960 Pretty soon they're going to think about that and then we won't be able to stop them. 17:11.960 --> 17:15.960 You and your family are in trouble now whether you talk to us or not. 17:15.960 --> 17:17.960 Alright, I'll tell you. 17:24.960 --> 17:27.960 The suspects were positively identified as Timothy Rankin and Shelly Mitchell. 17:27.960 --> 17:31.960 Additional bulletins were gotten out on the two men and the search for them was intensified. 17:31.960 --> 17:36.960 Officers were dispatched to Conover's home in the event that the two thieves tried to make good their threat. 17:36.960 --> 17:40.960 Rankin's brother was re-questioned at Georgia Street Juvenile but either he couldn't or else he wouldn't aid us in apprehending him. 17:40.960 --> 17:45.960 Eleven thirty that night, Rankin and I were ready to leave the office. 17:45.960 --> 17:47.960 Did you sign the log? 17:47.960 --> 17:49.960 Yeah, let's go. 17:49.960 --> 17:51.960 I got it. 17:55.960 --> 17:57.960 Robbery Friday. 17:57.960 --> 17:59.960 Hello. 17:59.960 --> 18:01.960 Robbery Friday. 18:01.960 --> 18:03.960 Oh, yeah, Benson. 18:03.960 --> 18:05.960 Wait a minute. 18:05.960 --> 18:07.960 Give me that again, will you? 18:07.960 --> 18:10.960 Give me that again, will you? 18:10.960 --> 18:12.960 Be right out. 18:12.960 --> 18:14.960 Benson and Stromwell. 18:14.960 --> 18:15.960 Yeah? 18:15.960 --> 18:17.960 They found the suspects. 18:24.960 --> 18:29.960 In canvassing the area around the hot dog stand, officers Benson, Stromwell and Herman had checked the hotel. 18:29.960 --> 18:34.960 When the clerk was shown pictures of the suspects, he said the two men who looked like the pictures were staying in the place. 18:34.960 --> 18:39.960 However, when the rooms were checked at the suggestion of the manager, Rankin and Mitchell were not there. 18:39.960 --> 18:41.960 They staked out the room and we were called. 18:41.960 --> 18:46.960 When Frank and I arrived, we took up our positions in the room while the other officers covered the entrances to the hotel. 18:46.960 --> 18:48.960 Four fifteen a.m. We waited. 18:48.960 --> 18:50.960 What time you got? 18:50.960 --> 18:51.960 Wait a minute. 18:51.960 --> 18:54.960 Not hard to see without a light. 18:54.960 --> 18:56.960 Four thirty. 18:56.960 --> 18:58.960 Well, the hats did a good job. 18:58.960 --> 19:00.960 Yeah, like finding a needle. 19:00.960 --> 19:02.960 Mm-hmm. 19:02.960 --> 19:05.960 You heard how Herman's coming with the books? 19:05.960 --> 19:08.960 I talked to him the other day. He said he doesn't think he's ever going to make a lawyer. 19:08.960 --> 19:10.960 It's rough with the hours he's got. 19:10.960 --> 19:12.960 Yeah, it works out though. 19:12.960 --> 19:13.960 What do you mean? 19:13.960 --> 19:17.960 He told me that when he and Stromwell got a stakeout together, they'd ask each other questions, you know, and try to study that way. 19:17.960 --> 19:19.960 That's a hard way to do it. 19:29.960 --> 19:30.960 All right, Mr. Holder, right there. 19:30.960 --> 19:32.960 I'm doing like you say. I'm not going to cause no trouble. 19:32.960 --> 19:33.960 Turn around. Face the wall. 19:33.960 --> 19:34.960 Yes, sir. Just like you say. 19:34.960 --> 19:35.960 Come on, move. 19:35.960 --> 19:36.960 Hands up on the wall. 19:35.960 --> 19:36.960 Yes, sir. 19:36.960 --> 19:38.960 I'm doing it just like you said. I'm not rough. 19:38.960 --> 19:40.960 Here you are, Joe. 19:40.960 --> 19:41.960 Where'd you get this gun, I reckon? 19:41.960 --> 19:44.960 Shelly gave it to me. That's the truth, honest, mister. I got it from Shelly. 19:44.960 --> 19:45.960 All right, put your hands behind you. 19:45.960 --> 19:47.960 Yes, sir. Right behind me. 19:47.960 --> 19:48.960 All right, you can turn around now. 19:48.960 --> 19:49.960 Don't shoot, mister. Please don't shoot. 19:49.960 --> 19:50.960 Turn around. 19:50.960 --> 19:51.960 Yes, sir. 19:51.960 --> 19:52.960 Where's Mitchell? 19:52.960 --> 19:53.960 I don't know. 19:52.960 --> 19:53.960 Oh, come off it. Now, where is he? 19:53.960 --> 20:00.960 Well, I don't know, mister. That's the truth. I just don't know. 20:00.960 --> 20:01.960 Well, look, if I did, I'd tell you, honest, I would. 20:01.960 --> 20:02.960 When'd you see him last? 20:02.960 --> 20:03.960 A couple hours ago. 20:03.960 --> 20:04.960 Where? 20:04.960 --> 20:05.960 A coffee place on Vermont, sir. 20:05.960 --> 20:06.960 Is he still there? 20:06.960 --> 20:07.960 I don't know. 20:06.960 --> 20:07.960 What was he doing? 20:07.960 --> 20:08.960 He was talking to another fella. 20:08.960 --> 20:09.960 Who? 20:09.960 --> 20:10.960 A guy named Randolph Bennett, sir. I'm not sure that's his real name, though. 20:10.960 --> 20:11.960 Is he coming back? 20:10.960 --> 20:11.960 No, sir. He doesn't live here. 20:11.960 --> 20:12.960 Clerk says he does. 20:12.960 --> 20:13.960 Who are you talking about? 20:13.960 --> 20:14.960 Mitchell. 20:14.960 --> 20:16.960 Oh, I meant Bennett. He doesn't live here. Mitchell does, but Bennett doesn't. 20:16.960 --> 20:18.960 Mm-hmm. Now, how about an answer? 20:18.960 --> 20:23.960 Well, I'm sorry, sir. I don't know what you're talking about. 20:23.960 --> 20:24.960 Mitchell, is he coming back? 20:24.960 --> 20:25.960 Well, I don't think so. 20:25.960 --> 20:26.960 Why do you say that? 20:26.960 --> 20:27.960 Well, we had a fight. I don't think he'll be back, sir. 20:27.960 --> 20:28.960 What'd you fight about? 20:28.960 --> 20:29.960 Well, it was something he wanted me to do. I didn't want any part of it. 20:29.960 --> 20:30.960 What was it? 20:30.960 --> 20:33.960 Well, he said if I didn't go along with him and Bennett, they'd kill me, and I didn't like the deal. 20:33.960 --> 20:34.960 What deal? 20:34.960 --> 20:37.960 Well, him and Bennett, they got a caper planned. I was supposed to go with them, but I didn't want to, sir. 20:37.960 --> 20:38.960 Honest, that's the truth. I really didn't want to. 20:38.960 --> 20:39.960 Yeah. 20:39.960 --> 20:48.960 You see, I was supposed to steal a car for him to use, and the more I thought about it, I didn't want to get in any more trouble than I am now. 20:48.960 --> 20:49.960 The two of you hit the loan company this afternoon? 20:49.960 --> 20:50.960 Yeah, that's right, sir. 20:50.960 --> 20:51.960 This fella Bennett, he was with you? 20:51.960 --> 20:55.960 No, sir. We met him tonight. Him and Shelley planned this other deal. They wanted me to go with them, but I didn't want to. 20:55.960 --> 20:58.960 Honest, that's the God's truth, sir. I didn't want to. That's why we had this fight. 20:58.960 --> 20:59.960 Well, what's the deal? 20:59.960 --> 21:03.960 Well, they figured to start out about nine in the morning. Shelley's got it all figured. 21:03.960 --> 21:06.960 They say they can hit about eight places, and the two of them are going to leave town. 21:06.960 --> 21:07.960 What are you talking about? 21:07.960 --> 21:09.960 Well, what about this fella Bennett? You know him? 21:09.960 --> 21:11.960 No, sir. He's a friend of Shelley's. They've known each other, though, for a long time. 21:11.960 --> 21:12.960 Where is he from? 21:12.960 --> 21:15.960 Oh, back east someplace. I'm not sure where. I just know the cops are after him. 21:15.960 --> 21:16.960 Why? 21:16.960 --> 21:17.960 Well, he broke out of jail while he was waiting to be tried. 21:17.960 --> 21:18.960 What was the charge? 21:18.960 --> 21:20.960 Kidnapping and murder. 21:27.960 --> 21:36.960 We left the hotel room and picked up the other officers. We had Tim Rankin point out the coffee stand where he'd last seen Shelley Mitchell, and then we called a radio car and turned Rankin over to the uniformed men. 21:36.960 --> 21:41.960 While Benson, Stormwall, and Herman covered the rear entrance of the place, Frank and I went in the front door. 21:42.960 --> 21:44.960 There they are, John. Halfway down. 21:44.960 --> 21:46.960 Yeah. Let's go. 21:48.960 --> 21:52.960 Oh, I should know that guy's always caught bait when it comes to doing something back down. 21:52.960 --> 21:53.960 A lot of fun, kid. 21:53.960 --> 21:58.960 Well, we don't have to tip. Yeah? You guys got a license to listen? 21:58.960 --> 21:59.960 Shelley Mitchell. 21:59.960 --> 22:07.960 Cops! 22:19.960 --> 22:20.960 Come on, get up. 22:20.960 --> 22:21.960 You okay, Joe? 22:21.960 --> 22:22.960 Yeah. 22:22.960 --> 22:23.960 What about Bennett? 22:23.960 --> 22:24.960 He's all right. 22:24.960 --> 22:26.960 Lousy cops. Lousy rotten cops. 22:26.960 --> 22:27.960 Turn around. 22:27.960 --> 22:28.960 Give me your cups, will you, Joe? 22:28.960 --> 22:29.960 Come on, turn around. 22:31.960 --> 22:32.960 I'll take care of Bennett. 22:32.960 --> 22:33.960 All right, Mitchell, turn around. 22:33.960 --> 22:34.960 All the stinkin' deals. 22:34.960 --> 22:36.960 All right, come on, move. 22:36.960 --> 22:38.960 How'd you get to me? 22:38.960 --> 22:39.960 Why'd you worry about that? 22:39.960 --> 22:41.960 Rotten as lousy as you'll ever hurt a... 22:41.960 --> 22:43.960 Where'd you get this gun? 22:43.960 --> 22:44.960 I bought it. 22:44.960 --> 22:45.960 From the government, huh? 22:45.960 --> 22:46.960 Well, that's none of your business. 22:46.960 --> 22:48.960 All right, we'll go your way. 22:48.960 --> 22:50.960 Lousy 12 hours. 12 more hours you'd have missed us. 22:50.960 --> 22:53.960 This afternoon, we'd have been on our way. You'd have never found us. 22:53.960 --> 22:55.960 Yeah, you really believe that, don't you? 22:55.960 --> 22:58.960 Oh, sure. We'd have gotten the story. You'd have been dead. 22:58.960 --> 22:59.960 Lookin' all around. Never found us. 22:59.960 --> 23:00.960 Yeah, just like now. 23:08.960 --> 23:10.960 The story you have just heard is true. 23:10.960 --> 23:13.960 The names were changed to protect the innocent. 23:13.960 --> 23:16.960 On September 16th, trial was held in Department 92's 23:16.960 --> 23:18.960 Superior Court of the State of California 23:18.960 --> 23:20.960 in and for the County of Los Angeles. 23:20.960 --> 23:25.960 In a moment, the results of that trial. 23:36.960 --> 23:38.960 Homer Norman Rankin was referred to juvenile court 23:38.960 --> 23:41.960 and after a hearing was made, a ward of the state. 23:41.960 --> 23:44.960 Timothy Alfred Rankin and Shelley Vincent Mitchell 23:44.960 --> 23:47.960 were tried and convicted of robbery in the first degree, one count. 23:47.960 --> 23:50.960 They received sentence as prescribed by law. 23:50.960 --> 23:53.960 Robbery in the first degree is punishable by imprisonment 23:53.960 --> 23:57.960 in the state penitentiary for a period of not less than five years. 23:57.960 --> 24:00.960 Randolph Bennett, alias James Virgil Nicholson, 24:00.960 --> 24:03.960 was held for New Jersey authorities to answer charges of murder, 24:03.960 --> 24:24.960 kidnapping, and escape. 24:24.960 --> 24:29.960 You have just heard Dragnet, a series of authentic cases from official files. 24:29.960 --> 24:33.960 Technical advice comes from the Office of Chief of Police, W.H. Parker, 24:33.960 --> 25:00.960 and the Sinclair's Police Department.