WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:28.000 Yes, the producers of Crazy Water Christoots present for your pleasure, Colonel. 00:28.000 --> 00:30.000 Jack in short is Crazy Hillbilly. 00:30.000 --> 00:31.000 Yes, sir, yes, sir. 00:31.000 --> 00:32.000 Hello, everybody. 00:32.000 --> 00:33.000 Let's go with some good old hoedown music under the double eagles. 00:33.000 --> 00:58.000 Hello, everybody. 00:58.000 --> 01:17.000 There goes one, there goes one. 01:17.000 --> 01:36.000 There goes one, there goes one. 01:36.000 --> 02:05.000 There goes one, there goes one. 02:05.000 --> 02:06.000 That was all right. 02:06.000 --> 02:07.000 How do you do, gentlemen? 02:07.000 --> 02:08.000 Hello, Shorty. 02:08.000 --> 02:09.000 How are you? 02:09.000 --> 02:10.000 Hello, Colonel Jack. 02:10.000 --> 02:11.000 How are you? 02:11.000 --> 02:15.000 I came pretty near being late with this program today because I was outside the studio talking 02:15.000 --> 02:19.000 to two grateful people who have been helped by Crazy Water Christoots. 02:19.000 --> 02:23.000 The same happy story we get from thousands every day. 02:23.000 --> 02:28.000 One of the most dangerous things about faulty elimination is that you don't realize how 02:28.000 --> 02:29.000 it can pull you down. 02:29.000 --> 02:34.000 You don't realize how serious and far-reaching its effects may be, and often are. 02:34.000 --> 02:39.000 One great doctor says, faulty elimination is to be regarded as one of the most important 02:39.000 --> 02:41.000 causes of arthritis. 02:41.000 --> 02:46.000 And arthritis is just one of the serious disorders which this common trouble may bring on. 02:46.000 --> 02:51.000 What's often the chief cause are the muscular aches and stiffness in joints, which most 02:51.000 --> 02:56.000 of us know as rheumatism, the stabbing pains of neuritis, upset stomach and overtaxed 02:56.000 --> 03:00.000 kidneys, and faulty elimination aggravates all diseases. 03:00.000 --> 03:06.000 If you're already a victim of any of these disorders due to faulty elimination, don't 03:06.000 --> 03:08.000 make the mistake of just treating symptoms. 03:08.000 --> 03:14.000 Know that ease the pains if you can, of course, but get at that cause. 03:14.000 --> 03:19.000 Cleanse your system of the clogged-up waste, so likely to be producing poison, so likely 03:19.000 --> 03:22.000 to be the real cause of the whole thing. 03:22.000 --> 03:25.000 Drink Crazy Mineral Water made from Crazy Water Christoots. 03:25.000 --> 03:31.000 You'll find this a gentle, safe, but thorough way to overcome faulty elimination, to cleanse 03:31.000 --> 03:34.000 your body inside and to keep it clean. 03:34.000 --> 03:37.000 They do the work without irritation, without shock or harshness. 03:37.000 --> 03:43.000 Crazy Water Crystals are the minerals taken by evaporation from natural Crazy Mineral 03:43.000 --> 03:44.000 Water. 03:44.000 --> 03:50.000 Since 1879, Crazy Mineral Water has been used literally by millions in the treatment of 03:50.000 --> 03:54.000 a wide variety of disorders caused or aggravated by faulty elimination. 03:54.000 --> 03:59.000 Now, Crazy Water Crystals bring the benefits of Crazy Mineral Water right into your own 03:59.000 --> 04:02.000 home at a cost of only a few cents a gallon. 04:02.000 --> 04:04.000 You just dissolve them in ordinary drinking water. 04:04.000 --> 04:08.000 Try Crazy Water Crystals and see for yourself what they can do for you. 04:08.000 --> 04:10.000 Thank you. 04:10.000 --> 04:13.000 Thank you, Colonel Jack, and have a seat right over there while we go right ahead with the 04:13.000 --> 04:14.000 program. 04:14.000 --> 04:18.000 We're putting out a little number this time, and we've had lots of requests for it, a very 04:18.000 --> 04:20.000 popular number, the Old Rugged Cross. 04:20.000 --> 04:39.000 On a hill far away, to that old rugged cross, the embers are suffering and change. 04:39.000 --> 04:46.000 And I love that old cross, where the dearest man lives. 04:46.000 --> 05:01.000 For a world of lost citizens was slain, for a dear is the old rugged cross. 05:01.000 --> 05:16.000 Till my crop is at last I lay down, I will cling to the old rugged cross, 05:16.000 --> 05:31.000 And exchange it someday for a crown. 05:31.000 --> 05:40.000 Till that old rugged cross, I will ever be true, Its shame and reproach gladly bear. 05:40.000 --> 05:55.000 And it'll call me someday to my home far away, Where its glory forever I'll share. 05:55.000 --> 06:10.000 For a dear is the old rugged cross, Till my crop is at last I lay down, 06:10.000 --> 06:25.000 I will cling to the old rugged cross, And exchange it someday for a crown. 06:25.000 --> 06:27.000 And that was the old rugged cross. 06:27.000 --> 06:30.000 Well, I'll declare, look what we've got now. 06:30.000 --> 06:31.000 Shadrow at the finer. 06:31.000 --> 06:33.000 I'll take you home again, Kathleen. 06:33.000 --> 07:00.000 Now there goes Shad. 07:00.000 --> 07:04.000 Shad. 07:30.000 --> 07:49.000 And that was I'll take you home again, Kathleen. 07:49.000 --> 07:51.000 Shadrow at the finer. 07:51.000 --> 07:54.000 Here comes Rohide with a great big smile, Right up here ready to sing. 07:54.000 --> 08:00.000 The Blue Ridge Mountain Blues. 08:00.000 --> 08:24.000 When I was young and in my prime, I left my home in Caroline, Now all I do is sit in time, For all the folks I left behind. 08:24.000 --> 08:35.000 I've got the Blue Ridge Mountain Blues, And I'll stand right here to sing. 08:35.000 --> 08:49.000 Well, my grip's packed to travel, And I'm scratching gravel, On that Blue Ridge far away. 08:49.000 --> 09:06.000 I see two heads of snowing white, I see a window with a light, I seem to hear those folks recite, 09:06.000 --> 09:24.000 Where is my wandering boy tonight? I've got those Blue Ridge Mountain Blues, Where the southern pine trees sway. 09:24.000 --> 09:37.000 Well, my heart grows fonder for those folks out there, In that Blue Ridge far away. 09:37.000 --> 09:59.000 I know the day that I recur, There'll be a shindig in the barn, People from miles around will form, There'll be some business in the barn. 09:59.000 --> 10:12.000 I've got those Blue Ridge Mountain Blues, And I'll stand right here to sing. 10:12.000 --> 10:24.000 Well, my grip's packed to travel, And I'm scratching gravel, On that Blue Ridge far away. 10:24.000 --> 10:52.000 Oh, the lady, hey, leo lady, brrrr, Oh, the lady, hey, leo lady, leo lady, oh, leo lady, hey, leo lady, ooh. 10:52.000 --> 10:55.000 Yes, sir, here we've got just a little bit more time, and Colonel Jack's over at Paton's Foot. 10:55.000 --> 11:24.000 I know what that means, he wants a good old hoedown, so let her go, boys, on the record number nine. 11:24.000 --> 11:46.000 As a first step in treating nearly every disease, physicians have always searched for a safe, gentle, and thorough way to cleanse the system. 11:46.000 --> 11:54.000 For 54 years, crazy mineral water has been known to thousands as a safe, natural eliminant. 11:54.000 --> 12:00.000 It washes the system clean with nature's own cleanser, and that's water. 12:00.000 --> 12:06.000 It carries away those poisons that may have accumulated, yet it acts pleasantly, without irritation or distress. 12:06.000 --> 12:15.000 Now, through crazy water crystals, you can have crazy mineral water in your own home, no matter where you live, at a cost of only a few cents a gallon. 12:15.000 --> 12:19.000 Just do what millions of other sensible people throughout America are doing today. 12:19.000 --> 12:25.000 Add crazy water crystals to your regular drinking water. 12:25.000 --> 12:45.000 Won't you smile? That won't hurt you.