WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:21.520 Let the 00:21.520 --> 00:27.120 fall or dream will never fall, it'll be a hot time when it all drowns tonight. 00:27.120 --> 00:31.120 Yes, the producers of Crazy Water Crystals present for your pleasure, Colonel Jack and 00:31.120 --> 00:34.120 Shorty's Crazy Hillbillies. 00:34.120 --> 00:39.120 And hello everybody, and here comes a good old square dance tune, the Hog Troll Frio. 00:39.120 --> 01:07.120 Take a walk, boy. 01:07.120 --> 01:09.120 Come on, on, on. 01:09.120 --> 01:11.120 Come on, Jack. 01:11.120 --> 01:13.120 Come on. 01:13.120 --> 01:41.120 Come on. 01:41.120 --> 01:45.120 Come on. 01:45.120 --> 01:49.120 Come on. 01:49.120 --> 02:08.120 Come on, sir. 02:08.120 --> 02:12.120 All right, Shorty, if you'll just hold that next musical number for a minute. 02:12.120 --> 02:15.120 I have a few things I'd like to say. 02:15.120 --> 02:19.120 For one question that's often asked the producers of Crazy Water Crystals is this. 02:19.120 --> 02:23.120 Is crazy mineral water just a laxative? 02:23.120 --> 02:28.120 Listen to the words of Dr. Gilbert A. Bannetine, honorary physician to the Royal United and 02:28.120 --> 02:32.120 the Royal Mineral Water Hospitals at Bath, England. 02:32.120 --> 02:38.120 Just listen, to explain scientifically how mineral waters produce such great and good 02:38.120 --> 02:40.120 effects is difficult. 02:40.120 --> 02:46.120 They act to a certain extent by the effect of their constituents, which are rapidly absorbed 02:46.120 --> 02:51.120 from the intestinal canal on many of the glands such as the pancreas, the liver, kidneys, 02:51.120 --> 02:56.120 and so forth as solvents of various elements found in the body, blushing and washing out 02:56.120 --> 03:02.120 the fat material as antifarmative agents, and by stimulating the heart's action, they 03:02.120 --> 03:05.120 have a decided effect on tissue changes. 03:05.120 --> 03:09.120 That's a mighty long and a technical description, isn't it? 03:09.120 --> 03:14.120 But it will give you some idea of what a really great doctor who has spent a lifetime using 03:14.120 --> 03:19.120 mineral waters in his practice knows about what a mineral water can do to the human body. 03:19.120 --> 03:22.120 This doctor knows what he's talking about. 03:22.120 --> 03:28.120 For more than 54 years, thousands of Americans sick and near sick from coast to coast have 03:28.120 --> 03:33.120 made the journey to the crazy well to drink America's great natural mineral water. 03:33.120 --> 03:38.120 They've come suffering with some painful disease such as arthritis and other similar aches 03:38.120 --> 03:43.120 called rheumatism, with neuritis, with the disturbances of the stomach, with upset and 03:43.120 --> 03:49.120 overburdened kidneys, with a wide variety of other disorders just as serious and just 03:49.120 --> 03:50.120 as painful. 03:50.120 --> 03:57.120 How mineral waters act to relieve such disorders is still something of a mystery, but this 03:57.120 --> 03:59.120 is such a simple thing to understand. 03:59.120 --> 04:03.120 Faulty elimination may produce such disorders. 04:03.120 --> 04:05.120 It always aggravates you. 04:05.120 --> 04:10.120 Crazy mineral water is, among other things, a splendid natural eliminative. 04:10.120 --> 04:16.120 Gently but safely, surely, thoroughly, it washes stored up waste and impurities out 04:16.120 --> 04:21.120 of the body, so if your stomach is upset, constant back aches or muscular aches are 04:21.120 --> 04:24.120 warning you that something has gone wrong inside. 04:24.120 --> 04:28.120 If you lose sleep, you're extremely nervous and upset. 04:28.120 --> 04:33.120 If you even suspect that your body is holding waste matters and poisons, try crazy mineral 04:33.120 --> 04:34.120 water. 04:34.120 --> 04:39.120 Simply dissolve crazy water crystals in ordinary drinking water, then drink and drink plenty. 04:39.120 --> 04:41.120 Cleanse yourself completely. 04:41.120 --> 04:45.120 Keep yourself free of waste matter and the poisons it often causes. 04:45.120 --> 04:48.120 Then see what nature can do for you. 04:48.120 --> 04:50.120 Thank you. 04:50.120 --> 04:52.120 Thank you, Colonel Jack, and just thank you a whole lot. 04:52.120 --> 04:56.120 And on with the program, and this time we have a very dear little number, it's a picture 04:56.120 --> 04:59.120 on the wall sung by Sue, Rawhide, and Shorty. 05:03.120 --> 05:09.120 There's a dear old faded picture on the wall 05:09.120 --> 05:16.120 And it's hung there for many a many a year 05:16.120 --> 05:23.120 And the rake that's in its face that no other can take its place 05:23.120 --> 05:29.120 Oh that dear old mother of mine on the wall 05:29.120 --> 05:36.120 On the wall, on the wall, on the wall 05:36.120 --> 05:42.120 Oh how I love that dear old picture on the wall 05:42.120 --> 05:51.120 I miss quickly passing by as I hang my head and cry 05:51.120 --> 05:58.120 Oh I know I'll meet my mother and grow 05:58.120 --> 06:05.120 Now the children they have scattered on and on 06:05.120 --> 06:12.120 And I have a little family of my own 06:12.120 --> 06:18.120 And I know I love them well but no human son can tell 06:18.120 --> 06:25.120 How I love that dear old picture on the wall 06:25.120 --> 06:31.120 On the wall, on the wall, on the wall 06:31.120 --> 06:37.120 Oh how I love that dear old picture on the wall 06:37.120 --> 06:45.120 I miss quickly passing by as I hang my head and cry 06:45.120 --> 06:52.120 Oh I know I'll meet my mother and grow 06:52.120 --> 06:59.120 Since I lost that dear old mother long ago 06:59.120 --> 07:05.120 To no other with my sorrow I can go 07:05.120 --> 07:12.120 As my banjo makes its chord I am praying to the Lord 07:12.120 --> 07:18.120 That he'll hold that dear old picture on the wall 07:18.120 --> 07:25.120 On the wall, on the wall, on the wall 07:25.120 --> 07:31.120 Oh how I love that dear old picture on the wall 07:31.120 --> 07:39.120 I miss quickly passing by as I hang my head and cry 07:39.120 --> 07:47.120 Oh I know I'll meet my mother and grow 07:47.120 --> 07:50.120 That was the picture on the wall, the dear little number 07:50.120 --> 07:53.120 Shad's been running around here and he keeps on calling me sweetheart 07:53.120 --> 07:57.120 Oh that's the number the tune he's gonna play, let me call you sweetheart, let her go Shad 08:23.120 --> 08:25.120 Shad 08:53.120 --> 08:55.120 Shad 09:24.120 --> 09:27.120 Let me call you sweetheart, we just played Bachadro 09:27.120 --> 09:30.120 And here's Rawhide coming up here all puckered up ready to sing 09:30.120 --> 09:32.120 Patty Malone's, let her go 09:32.120 --> 09:38.120 Patty lived around Irish town, everything was going down 09:38.120 --> 09:43.120 Patty hadn't already cash to spend at all 09:43.120 --> 09:49.120 I will tell a tale so strange, Pat's insurance was so great 09:49.120 --> 09:55.120 Patty hadn't already cash to spend at all 09:55.120 --> 10:00.120 Then Pat is white, she said, to hear Pat a few was dead 10:00.120 --> 10:05.120 That would be ten thousand dollars I could get 10:05.120 --> 10:11.120 Pat laid down and he tried to make out life that he had died 10:11.120 --> 10:17.120 Until he smelled that whiskey or the waste 10:17.120 --> 10:22.120 Then old Pat Malone forgot he was dead 10:22.120 --> 10:27.120 He raised up on his bunk, of course he said 10:27.120 --> 10:33.120 By the corpse of being in it, now before you begin it 10:33.120 --> 10:38.120 You'll have to make me drunk to keep me dead 10:38.120 --> 10:43.120 Then the broad corpses stuck and these drinks filled him up 10:43.120 --> 10:48.120 And they stretched him out up on his bunk again 10:48.120 --> 10:53.120 The next morning, by the way, everybody felt so gay 10:53.120 --> 10:59.120 They had Scott's old Pat head played off dead 10:59.120 --> 11:04.120 Then they taken him from his bunk, he wasn't dead but awfully drunk 11:04.120 --> 11:09.120 And they played him in his coffin with a prayer 11:09.120 --> 11:14.120 But the driver to the car said, right now before we start 11:14.120 --> 11:19.120 I'll have to see that someone pays a fair 11:19.120 --> 11:24.120 Then old Pat Malone forgot he was dead 11:24.120 --> 11:29.120 He raised up in his coffin and he said 11:29.120 --> 11:35.120 You need to dirt out my credit, you'll be sorry that you said it 11:35.120 --> 11:42.120 So drive on to the car and break your head 11:42.120 --> 11:47.120 Then the hack started out down the road, cemetery route 11:47.120 --> 11:52.120 Quickly sent to the cemetery, they were bound 11:52.120 --> 11:57.120 But when those plots began to drop, back ticked off, cough and cough 11:57.120 --> 12:02.120 And to the earth he quickly did ascent 12:02.120 --> 12:07.120 Oh, it's a lucky thing, this thunder Pat comes far enough going under 12:07.120 --> 12:12.120 Come fair and you'll lay an old Pat down in his grave 12:12.120 --> 12:15.120 And that's the story of Pat Malone 12:15.120 --> 12:34.120 Now we have time here for just a little bit of a number and it's the General Enpoca so let her go boys 12:34.120 --> 12:38.120 Do you feel tired and sluggish? Are your nights sleepless? 12:38.120 --> 12:42.120 Do you have dull, depressing headaches? Is your tongue coated? 12:42.120 --> 12:45.120 Do you wake up with that old bad taste in your mouth? 12:45.120 --> 12:48.120 Then nature is giving you warning signals 12:48.120 --> 12:52.120 Warning you that if you don't do something about it, you may be in for serious trouble 12:52.120 --> 12:57.120 Such serious afflictions as rheumatism, arthritis, neuritis, extreme nervousness 12:57.120 --> 13:00.120 Troublesome stomach conditions and overtaxed kidneys 13:00.120 --> 13:05.120 These are often caused and always aggravated by fault elimination 13:05.120 --> 13:08.120 If you're suffering from any of these disorders today 13:08.120 --> 13:12.120 Take an easy, simple way to relieve what may be their very cause 13:12.120 --> 13:15.120 Crazy water crystals will help you do this 13:15.120 --> 13:18.120 They get at the source of your trouble, the very cause itself 13:18.120 --> 13:21.120 They cleanse the digestive tract safely and thoroughly 13:21.120 --> 13:24.120 Crazy water crystals are simple and easy to use 13:24.120 --> 13:29.120 Just add them to your ordinary drinking water and drink 13:29.120 --> 13:39.120 And keep smiling