28 ONE THOUSAND FAMOUS THINGS Pui Not Tour Trust in Princes WHEN Soliman the Great was marching on Belgrade in 1521, an old woman came and complained to him that during her sleep his soldiers had stolen her oxen, which were all .she had in the world, " You must indeed have been wrapped in a deep sleep," snid the Sultan, laughing, " if you did not hear the robbers." " Yes," answered the old woman, " I was indeed .sleeping peacefully, for I trusted Your Highness to watch over the public safety." Soliman, admiring this speech, gave her compensation for the damage he ought to have prevented. From an old book Five Signs of a Failing People WHAT are the marks of low condition in a people ? I name five. First, when people generally look upon the Slate as a charitable institution, which can be made to supply all I heir wants by putting enough votes in a ballot-box. That is a sure si#n that t hey are declining in will-power and virility, Second, when people generally take to scamping their work in the hours of labour, and to spending their leisure in playing the fool—a sure sign of social incompetence and intellectual poverty. Third, when people generally lose discipline, so that, when a big thing has to be done or a difficult manoeuvre performed, instead of marching together, " one equal temper of heroic hour is," they get themselves tied up into mobs and bundles and fall to quarrelling with one another—a sure sign that they arc badly bred and badly educated. Fourth, when people generally buy their pleasures ready-made on the market, in the form of external excitement-—a sure sign that per- sonal skill is on the down grade and creativenoss passing'away. Fifth, when religion becomes an interesting speculation, and the existence of right and wrong a vague rumour to be inquired into by experts—a sign that the compass is out of order and the light going out in the binnacle box. These are the signs of low condition in a people* Whenever any of the five shows its head let us hit it, and hit it hard. Dr L. P. Jacks The Child in a Green Field TT is better to be a child in a green field than a knight of many orders 1 in a State ceremonial George Macdonald As the Sun Went Down ONE told me Heraclitus, of thy death, and brought me to tears, and I remembered how often we two in talking put the sun to rest.