102 ONE THOUSAND FAMOUS THINGS There Was a Little Girl THERE was a little girl And she had a little curl Right in the middle of her forehead, When she was good She was very very good, But when, she was bad she was horrid, One day she went upstairs When her parents, unawares, In the kitchen were occupied with meals. And she; stood upon her head In her little truckle-herd, And then began hooraying with her heels. Her mother heard the noise, And she thought it was the boys A-playing at a combat in the attic ; But when she climbed the stair, And found Jemima there, She took and she did spank her most emphatic. Old Rhyme by writer unknown He Would Not Live Again Wordvtcorth having asked Smtthaj if lie would like to live his yontli over a$ainf Southey anxivcred in these lines, Do I regret the past ? Would I again live o?er The morning hours of life ? Nay, William, nay, not so I In the warm joyaunce of the summer sun 1 do not wish again The changeful April day* Nay, William, nay, not so I Safe havened from, the sea I would not tempt again The uncertain ocean's wrath. Praise be to him who made me what I am, Other I would not be. No, William, no, I would not live again The morning hours of life ; I would not be again The slaye of hope and fear ; I would not learn again The wisdom by experience bardly taught. All That is Best in the World POKTBY makes immortal all that is best and most beautiful in the world, Shell&y