ONE THOUSAND FAMOUS THINGS 127 The Names Come Ringing Down the Way A ROUND the good world's wide expanse Ji\ Are places great and small Whose names fair tingle with romance, And I would see them all ; There's Cairo, Fez, and Ispahan, Bangkok and Singapore, And Trebizonde and Cagayan And Rio and Lahore. There's Sarawak and Callao, Algiers and Kandahar, Khartoum, Rangoon, and Tokio, Bombay and Zanzibar ; About the name of each there clings Enchantment's golden veil, The wonder of strange folk and things, The glamour of the trail! For some are north and some are south, And some are east and west, And some are cursed with heat and drouth, And some with balm are blessed ; But Capetown, Rhodes, or Frisco Bay, Shanghai, Seville, or Rornes Their names come singing down the way To tempt me forth from home ; Their magic's ringing down the way To lure me forth from home ! Berton Braley The People Chosen of God I NEVER shall forget the emotion which filled me at the sight of London, There she sat, the great empress of the seas, giving laws to isles and continents, stretching afar over kings and peoples, not like those of old, the rod of oppression, but the beneficent sceptre of her riches and her liberty. And I heard the hum of her vast industry, and through the streets there poured the living sea of men and vehicles. Then by-and-by there dawned a day, a day which was not like other days ; no noisy wagons now in the streets, no throngs hurrying to business ? the giant machine that had been roaring and thundering the day before had suddenly stood still as if before the vision of God. I look across the ocean, and there again I find this Anglo-Saxon race clad in like grandeur under forms the most unlike. It is, I love to think, the people chosen of God to renew the face of the earth, and to prepare for those old truths and institutions which cannot pass away newer and more enduring garments. Pere Hyacinthe