26 PA THOGENIC BA CTERIA. gravity of the matter at hand ; this is his deliberate and almost solemn appeal : l With the view of settling these questions, therefore, we may carefully prepare an infusion from some animal tissue, be it muscle, kidney, or liver ; we may place it in a flask whose neck is drawn out* and narrowed in the blowpipe flame; we may boil the fluid, seal the vessel during ebullition, and, keeping it in a warm place, may await the result, as I have often done.....After a variable time the previously heated fluid within the hermetically-sealed flask swarms more or less plentifully with bacteria and allied organisms, even though the fluids have been so much degraded in quality by exposure to the temperature of 212° F., and have in all probability been rendered far less prone to engender independent living units than the unheated fluids in the tissues would be.' " These somewhat lengthy quotations are of great in- terest, for they show exactly the state of the scientific mind at a period as recent as twenty years ago. In 1877 the introduction of the anilin dyes by Weigert made possible a much more thorough investigation of the bacteria by enabling the observers to color them intensely, and thus detect their presence in tissues and organs where their transparency had caused them to'be overlooked. Rapid strides% were immediately made, and before another decade had passed discoveries were so numerous and convincing that it was impossible to doubt that bac- teria were causes of disease. Before the publication of the discoveries of which we speak, however, there was suggested a practical applica- tion of the little known about bacteria which produced greater agitation and incited more observation and ex- perimentation than anything suggested in surgery since the introduction of anesthetics—namely, antisepsis. uThe seminal thought of antiseptic surgery may per- haps be traced to John Colbach, a member of the College of Physicians, England, whose collection of tracts, printed