BACTERIA. 37 multiply by fission the resulting two organisms not infrequently remain attached to each other, producing what is called a diplococcus (Fig. 2, b). The diplococci sometimes consist of two perfect spheres, but more often ^show a flattening of the contiguous surfaces, which are not in absolute apposition (Fig. 2, g). In a few cases, as the gonococcus, the approximated surfaces are slightly concave, causing the organism to somewhat resemble the German biscuit called a ccsemmel,n hence biscuit- or semmel-cocci (Fig. 2, //). Frequently a second binary di- vision occurs, causing four individuals to remain closely approximated, without disturbing the arrangement of the first two. When division of this kind produces a distinct tetrad, the organism is described as a tetragenococcus, while to the entire class of cocci dividing so as to pro- duce fours, eights, twelves, etc. on the same plane the name merismopedia is given (Fig. 2, e and f). If, as sometimes happens, the divisions take place in three directions, so as to produce cubical masses or "pack- ages" of cocci, the resulting aggregation is described as a sarcina (Fig. 2, 2). This form slightly resembles a dice or a bale of cotton in miniature. If the divisions always take place in the same direc- tion, so as to produce a chain or string of beads, the organism is described as streptococcits (Fig. 2, d\ When there are diplococci joined in this manner a strepto-diplo- coccus is of course formed. More common than any of the forms already described is one in which, without any definite arrangement, the cocci occur in irregular groups having a fancied resem- blance to bunches of grapes. These are called staphylo- c&ci, and, as it is very unusual to find cocci habitually occurring isolated, most cocci not classified under one of the above heads are called staphylococci. When cocci are associated in globular or lobulated clusters encased in a resisting glutinous, homogeneous mass, the name ascococcus has been used in describing them. A modified form of this, in which the cocci are