44 PA THOGENIC BA CTERIA. pendent upon their previous existence in the soil, its pul- verization, and its distribution by currents of the atmo- sphere. Koch has shown that the upper stratum of the soil is exceedingly rich in bacteria, but that their num- bers decrease as the soil is penetrated, until below a0 depth of one meter there are very few. Remembering that bacteria can live only upon organic matter, this is readily understandable. Most of the organic matter is upon the surface of the soil. Where, as in the case of porous soil or the presence of cesspools and dung-heaps, the decomposing materials are allowed to penetrate to a considerable depth, the bacteria may occur much farther from the surface, yet they are rarely found at any great depth, because the majority of the known species require oxygen. The water of stagnant pools always teems with bacte- ria, but that of deep wells rarely contains many unless it is polluted from the surface of the earth. Being generally present in the soil, which the feet of men and animals grind to powder, the bacteria, together with the pulverized earth, are blown from place to place into every nook and cranny, until it is impossible to es- cape them. It has been suggested by Soyka that the currents of air passing over the surface of liquids might take up bacteria, but, although he seemed to show it ex- perimentally, it is not generally believed. Where bac- teria are growing in colonies they seem to remain un- disturbed by currents of air unless the surface becomes roughened or broken. Most of the bacteria which are carried about by the air are what are called saprophytes, and are perfectly harm- less to the human being; but not all belong to this class, nor will they do so while tuberculous patients are al- lowed to expectorate upon the sidewalks, and typhoid patients' wash to dry upon the clothes-line, and their dejecta to be spread upon the ground. The growth of bacteria is profoundly influenced by environment, so that a consideration of the conditions