BIOLOGY OF BACTERIA. 49 as culture-media and a variety of other substances, to a temperature beyond that known to be the extreme limit of bacterial endurance. The presence of certain substances-—especially some of the mineral salts—in an otherwise perfectly suitable medium will prevent the development of bacteria, and when added to grown cultures of bacteria will destroy them. Carbolic acid and bichlorid of mercury are the best known examples. It is interesting to mention in this connection the results of the experiments of Trambusti, who found it possible to produce a tolerance to a certain amount of bichlorid of mercury by cultivating Priedlandcr\s bacillus upon culture-media, containing gradually increasing amounts of the salt, until from 1—15,000, which inhibited ordinary cultures, it could accommodate itself to 1—2000. (/) .r-AV i'.v.—The action of the .r-rays upon bacteria has been investigated by Bonome and (iros and others. When the cultures are exposed to their action for pro- longed periods, their vitality and virulence seem to be slightly diminished. They are not killed by the .r-rays. Some forms of the bacteria are never found except in the tissues of diseased animals. Such organisms are called parasites* The parasitic group really is divisible into the purely parasitic and the occasionally parasitic bacteria. Of the first division the tubercle bacillus may be used as an illustration, for, so far as is known, it is never found in other places than the bodies and dejeela of diseased animals. The cholera spirillum illustrates the second group, for, while it produces the disease known as Asiatic cholera when admitted to the digestive tract, it is a constant inhabitant of certain waters, where it multiplies with luxuriance. Bacteria which do not. enter the animal economy, or if accidentally admitted do no harm, but live upon decaying animal and vegetable materials, are called saprophyte According to their products of metabolism, bacteria are often described as—