CY OF AV/t'/yiA'A-/. 51 ilar to the preceding except that instead of occurring in carbohydrates it takes place in nitrogenous bodies. The first step seems to be the transformation of the albumins into peptones, then the splitting up of the peptones into a large number of gases, acids, bases, and salts. In the process the innocuous albumins are frequently changed to toxalbumins, and sometimes to distinct animal alkaloids known as fitomnhics. Vaughan and Now declare the term u animal alkaloid n to be a misnomer, as ptomaines are sometimes produced from vegetable substances in the process of decomposition; they suggest the term u putrefactive alkaloids'" as preferable. The definition of a ptomaine given by these observers is ua chemicalv compound, basic in character, formed by the action of bacteria on organic matter." The chemistry of these bodies is very complex, and for a satisfactory description of them Vaughan and Novy\s book1 is brief and excel- lent. Among the ptomaines/- the following appear to be important: Methylamin (CnaN!L), the simplest or- ganic base formed in the process of putrefaction; dime- thykimin ((CH:l')2NH); trimethylamin (C,Hi(N (CIL^N); ethylamin (C.H..NJL); diethylamin (C,lluN'•' (CJUr NH); triethylamin (C.-JI^N (CJU,HN); propylamin (C;»H7.NI-L); butylamin C,HnN); iso-umylainiu ; cuproyl- amin ; tetanotoxin ; spasmotoxin ; cliliydrolutidin ; putres- cin ; cadaverin ; neuridin ; saprin ; pyoeyanin ; and tyro- toxieon. It is supposed that the cases of ice-cream and cheese-poisoning that sometimes occur are due to tyro- toxicon produced by the putrefaction of the proteid sub- stances of the milk before it is fro/en into ice cream or made into cheese. The safeguard is to freeze the milk only when perfectly fresh and avoid adding the sugar and flavoring substances, allowing the whole to stand some time, and then freezing. Numerous others have been described, some toxic, others harmless, It is to compounds of this kind that the occasional Pleishvergiftung" or u meat-poisoningn are