_2 PATHOGENIC BACTERIA. \) due the growth of various bacteria in stale meat bring- ino-about in its proteid substances the development of toxic ptomaines. Kaensche1 carefully investigated the subject, and gives a synoptical table containing all the bacteria of this class described. His researches show that there are at least three different bacilli whose growth causes the development of poisonous ptomaines in meat. Toxins and toxalbumins are also very common. 3. Chromogenesis.—Those, bacteria which produce col- ored colonies or impart color to the medium in which they GTTOW are called chromogenic ; those with which no color is associated, non-chromogenic. Most chromogenic bacteria are saprophytic and non-pathogenic. Some of the pathogenic forms, as the Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus and citreus, are, however, color-producers. It seems likely that the bacteria do not form the actual pigments, but certain chromogenetic substances which, uniting with substances in the culture-medium, pro- duce the colors. Galleotti has described two kinds of pigment, one of which, being soluble, readily penetrates all neighboring portions of the culture-medium, like the colors of Bacillus pyocyaneus, and an insoluble pigment which does not tinge the solid culture-media at all, but is constantly found associated with the colonies, like the pigment of Bacillus prodigiosus. The pigments are found in their greatest intensity near the surface of the colony. The coloring matter never occupies the protoplasm of the bacteria (except the Bacillus prodigiosus, in whose cells occasional pigment-granules may be seen), but occurs in an intercellular excrementitious substance. The pigments are so varied as to give almost every known color. It sometimes happens that a bacterium will elaborate two or more colors. The Bacillus pvo~ cyaneus thus produces pyocyanin and fluorescin, both being soluble pigments-one blue, the other green Gessatd has shown that when the Bacillus pyocyaueus 5 Zeitokriftfir Hygiene, etc., Bd. xxii., Heft I, June 25/1896