BIOLOGY OF BACTERIA. 55 employed. They are filled with glucose bouillon, steril- ized as usual, inoculated and allowed to grow. If gases are formed, the bubbles ascend and the gas accumulates at the top of the tube. In estimating quantitatively, one must be careful that the tube is not so con- structed as to allow the gas to escape as well as to ascend in the main reservoir. For the determination of the nature of the gases ordinarily produced, sonic of which are inflammable and some not, f. ...... . , ' H<;. 5.—Smiths fcr- Theobald Smith has recommended the mentation-tube. following methods: "The bulb is completely filled with a 2 per cent, so- lution of sodium hydroxid (NaOII) and tightly closed with the thumb. The fluid is shaken thoroughly with the gas and allowed to flow back and forth from the bulb to closed branch, and the reverse several times to insure intimate contact of the COa with the alkali. Lastly, before removing the thumb all the gas is allowed to col- lect in the closed branch so that none may escape when the thumb is removed. If CCX be present, a partial vacuum in the closed branch causes the fluid to rise sud- denly when the thumb is removed. After allowing the layer of foam to subside somewhat the space occupied by gas is again measured, and the difference between this amount and that measured before shaking with the sodium hydroxid solution gives the proportion of C()$ absorbed. The explosive character of the residue is determined as follows: uThe cotton plug is replaced and the gas from the closed branch is allowed to flow into the bulb and mix with the air there present. The plug is then removed and a lighted match inserted into the mouth of the bulb. The intensity of the explosion varies with the amount of air present in the bulb." 7, Production of Odors.—Of course, such gases as H2S and NBu are sufficiently characteristic to be described as odors. There are, however, a considerable number of