IMMUNITY AND SUSCEPTIBILITY. • 67 field-mouse, and white mouse differ very much in their susceptibility to various diseases. Acquired immunity is resistance which is the result of accidental circumstances. It may result— A. By recovery from a mild attack of the disease. Most adults have suffered from rubeola, scarlatina, and varicella in childhood, and in consequence of the attacks are now immune to these diseases—/. e. will not become affected again. One attack of yellow fever is always a complete guard against another. Typhoid fever is rarely followed by a second attack. B. By recovery from an attack of a slightly different disease. Sometimes the immunity is experimentally pro- duced, as when by vaccination we produce the vaccine disease and afterward resist variola. Acquired immunity is a little less complete and not so permanent as natural immunity, for in the latter it is only when the functions of the individual are disturbed or his vitality depressed that the resistance is lost, while in the former time seems to lessen the power of resistance, so that rubeola and scarlatina may return in a few months or years, and for complete protection vaccination may need to be done as often as every seven years. C. By the injection of antitoxic substances. At present there is much agitation over the newly-dis- covered antitoxin of diphtheria, the injection of about 500 units of which will give complete protection against the disease for a period lasting from a month to six weeks. Immunity may be destroyed in numerous ways: (a) By variation from tJie normal temperature of the animal under observation. Pasteur observed that chick- ens would not take anthrax, and suspected that this immunity might be due to their high body-temperature. After inoculation he plunged the birds into a cold bath, reduced their temperature, and succeeded in destroying their immunity. The experiment was a success, but the reasoning seems to have been fault}', as the sparrow,