68 PA THOGENIC BA CTERIA. with a temperature equally high, readily falls a victim to anthrax without a cold bath. (b) By altering the chemistry of the blood by changing the diet or by hypodermic injection. Leo found that when white rats were injected with or fed upon phlorid- zin an artificial o-lvcosuria resulted which destroyed their o - natural resistance to anthrax. Hankin found that rats, which possess considerable immunity to anthrax, could be made susceptible by a diet of bread. Platania suc- ceeded in producing anthrax in dogs, frogs, and pigeons, naturally immune, by subjecting them to the influence of curare, chloral, and alcohol. (c) By diminishing the strength of the animal. Roger by compelling white rats to turn a revolving wheel until exhausted destroyed their immunity to anthrax. (d) By removing the spleen (?). A large number of experiments have been performed by various investi- gators to show that the removal of the spleen does or does not affect immunity. From their work it seems, proper to conclude that the spleen has little, if any, in- fluence upon the vital resistance to disease. I. Bardach,1 Righi,2and Montuori3 seem to have shown that the removal of the spleen lessens the ability of the organism to combat the infections. II. Blunienreich and Jacoby,4 on the contrary, found that the removal of the spleen was followed by a hyper- leucocytosis, an increase in the bactericidal power of the blood, and consequent increase of immunity. III. Milkinow-Raswedenow5 found that the removal of the spleen was a weakening factor in the immunization of animals. The spleen itself, however, was of little importance in combating the micro-organismal infections. Kurlow6 concluded from his experiments that the in- 1 Ann. de r Inst. Pasteur, 1889, No. 2, p. 577, and 1891, No. I, p. 40. * La R if or ma Medic-a, 1893, PP- 170, 171. 3 Ibid., Feb., 1893, 17, 18. - * Berlin, klin. Wochemchrift, May 24, 1897. 5 Zeitschrift fur Hygiene, 1896, xxi., 3. « Archivfur Hyg., 1889, Bd. ix., p. 450.