70 PA THOGENIC and suffered to go unexplained. We have explanations, but, unfortunately, they are as intricate as the phenomena, and, though each may possess its grain of truth, not one will satisfy the demands of the thoughtful student. ^ In brief review, the theories of immunity are the following- : 1. THE EXHAUSTION THEORY.—This hypothesis was advanced by Pasteur in 1880, and suggests that by its growth in the body the micro-organism uses up some substance essential to its life, and that when this sub- stance is exhausted the microbe can no longer thrive. The removal of the necessary material, if complete, will cause permanent immunity. As Sternberg points out, were this theory true we must have within us a material of small-pox, a material of measles, a material of scarlet fever, etc., to be exhausted by its appropriate organism. It would necessitate an almost inconceivably complex body-chemistry and a rather stable condition of the same. 2. THE RETENTION THEORY.—In the same year Chauveau suggested that the growth of the bacteria in the body might originate some substance prejudicial to their further and future development. There seems to be a large kernel of truth in this, but were it always the case we would have added to our blood a material of small-pox, a material of measles, a material of scarlet fever, etc., so that we would become saturated with the excrementitious products of the bacteria, instead of hav- ing so many substances subtracted from our chemistry. 3. THE THEORY OF PHAGOCYTOSIS.—In 1881, Carl Roser suggested a relation between immunity and the already familiar phenomenon of phagocytosis. Stern- berg in the United States and Koch in Germany observed the same thing, but little real attention was paid to the subject until 1884, when Metschnikoff appeared, with his careful observations upon the daphnia, as the great cham- pion of the theory which is now known as " Metschni- koff 's theory of phagocytosis." Phagocytosis is the swallowing or incorporating of