76 PATHOGENIC BACTERIA. mediate and prolonged opposition to the theory. Each side of the question seemed well supported. The phagocy tolo- gists, however, showed that bacteria were often injured and their vegetative powers destroyed by sudden changes from one culture-medium to another, this being proved by Haffkine, who in experimenting with aqueous humor has shown that its germicidal actions are largely imagin- ary, and due to the dispersion of the organisms in a large amount of watery liquid. When the micro-organisms are introduced into it in such a manner as to remain together, they grow well. If the tube be shaken, so as to distribute them, they die. Again, Adami has shown that when blood is shed there is almost always a pro- nounced destruction of corpuscles, and suggests that the antibiotic property of the shed blood may be due to solution of the nucleins formerly in the substance of the leucocytes. Jetter endeavored to prove the germicidal action of the serum to be due to certain salts which it contained. His experiments, which consisted in observ- ing the action of solutions of various salts in mixtures of water, glycerin, and gelatin, were justly condemned by Buchner on the ground that such mixtures, though they might contain constituents of blood-serum, were far from approximating the normal serum in composition. Wyssokowitsch, however, surely argued against hu- moral germicide when he showed that the spores of Ba- cillus subtilis could reside in the spleen for three months uninjured. In supporting their theory the humoralists experimented by placing beneath the skin micro-organisms enclosed in little bags of pith, collodium, etc. These bags allowed the fluids of the body free access to the bacteria, but would shut out the phagocytes. By these means Hiippe and Lubarsch have repeatedly seen the bacteria grow well, while the attempts of Baumgarten have failed. Such experiments are "by no means conclusive, for we should remember that the operation necessary and the presence of the foreign body in which the bacteria are