IMMUNITY AND SUSCEPTIBILITY. Si minority of scientists, that the antitoxin is the toxin in a modified (oxidized?) form, and supports his view by the fact that the antitoxins are specific for their respec- tive toxins only, and by quoting the experiments of Kondrevitsky, who, killing animals two hours after an injection of toxin, found in the blood toxin alone; killing later, found some antitoxin, and still later much antitoxin. The difference between this theory of neutralization by antitoxins and Chaveau\s retention-hypothesis is quite marked. The retention-theory teaches that a bacterium leaves behind it a substance prejudicial to its future growth in the economy—a distinct metabolic product. The antitoxic theory shows the protective substance to be a product not of bacterial growth, but of tissue-energy, not depending upon the presence of the bacteria, but upon the presence of a poison. The antitoxins do not usually act harmfully upon the bacteria, or preclude their growth in the animal body, but prevent their pathogenesis by annulling their toxicity— i. e., enabling the body-cells to endure the injury—and ^placing them in a position exactly parallel with 11011- pathogenic bacteria. Closely related to the antitoxins, if not-identical with them, are certain substances of an anti-infectious nature that can be generated in the blood of animals to which, in the process of immunization, the bacteria, instead of their poisons, have been administered. The anti-infec- tious serums are protective against the bacterial infections, but powerless against the toxins. They are the only results of immunization against cholera and typhoid fever. When antitoxic serums can be secured they are of far greater importance, and should always be selected for purposes of therapeutics. The diseases which are at present controllable by anti- . toxins are toxic diseases, caused by the entrance of toxin- producing bacteria into the body. The growth of these toxin-producers probably depends upon the inability of