METHODS OF OBSERVING BACTERIA. 89 that the drop hangs in, but does not touch, the concavity. The micro-organisms are now hermetically sealed in an air-chamber, and appear under almost the same con- ditions as in the cul- ture. Such a speci- men may be kept from day to day and examined, the bac- teria continuing; to live until the oxygen or nutriment is ex- hausted. By means of a special appara- tus (Fig. 7), in which the microscope is stood, the growing bacteria may be watched at any tem- perature, and very exact observations made. The hanging drop should always be ex- amined at the edge, as the centre is too thick. In such a specimen it is possible to de- FJG. 7.—Apparatus for keeping objects under termilie the shape, microscopic examination at constant tempera- size, grouping, divis- tures- ion, speculation, and motility of the organism under observation. Care should be exercised to use a rather small drop, especially for the detection of motility, as a large one vibrates very readily and masks the motility of the sluggish forms. When the bacteria to be observed are in solid or semi- solid culture, a small quantity of the culture should be