METHODS OF OBSERVING BACTERIA. 91 Rubin-pararosanilin laydrochlorate. Methylized, ethylized, and benzylized pararosanilid: Crystal violet, Gentian violet, Victoria blue, Methyl green, Auramin. The rosanilins are more difficult to prepare than the pararosanilins, and are generally mixed with them. The pararosanilins color more sharply than the rosanilins. 4. Amido-azo combinations: Bismarck brown, Phenylene brown, Vesuvin. 5. Chinolin derivatives: Cyanin. w—-* B. Naphthalin group.—Magdala red. The best anilin dyes made at the present time, and those which have become the standard for all bacterio- logical work, are made in Germany by Dr. Griibler. In ordering the stain the name of this manufacturer should always be specified. A whole volume could easily be devoted to scientific staining. Indeed, the technical difficulties encountered are so great that no explanations can be too thorough to be useful. The special methods essential for such bac- teria as have peculiar staining reactions will be given with the description of the organism. General methods only will be discussed in this chapter. Cover-glass Preparations for General Examination. —The material to be examined must be spread in the thinnest possible layer upon the surface of a perfectly clean cover-glass, and dried. Here it may be remarked that for bacteriological purposes thin covers (No. i) are generally required, because thick glasses interfere with the focussing of the oil-immersion lenses, and that cover-