98 PATHOGENIC BACTERIA. lodin crystals, i ; Potassium iodid, 2 ; Water, 3°°- While the specimen is in the Gram's solution it appears to turn a dark blackish-brown color. When removed from the solution it is carefully washed in 95 per cent, alcohol until no more color is given off and the tissue assumes a grayish color. If it is simply desired to find the bacteria, the section is dehydrated in absolute alcohol for a moment, cleared up in xylol, and mounted in Canada balsam. If it is necessary to study the relation between the bacteria and the tissue- elements, a nuclear stain, such as alum carmin or Bis- inarck brown, may be subsequently used. Should a nuclear stain requiring acid for its differentiation be desirable, the process of staining must precede the Gram method altogether, so that the acid shall not act upon the stained bacteria. The success of Gram's method rests upon the fact that the combination of mycoprotein, basic anilin, and the iodids forms a compound insoluble in alcohoL The process described may be summed up as follows :' Stain in Ehrlich's anilin-water gentian violet five to thirty minutes; Wash momentarily in water; Immerse two to three minutes in Gram's solution ; Wash in 95 per cent, alcohol until no more color comes out; Dehydrate in absolute alcohol; Clear up in xylol; Mount in Canada balsam. This method stains a large variety of bacteria very beautifully, but, unfortunately, does not stain them all, and as some of those which do not stain are important, it seems well to mention the—