106 PA THOGENIC BA CTERIA. The Sterilization and Protection of Instruments and Glassware Used in Experimentation.—Steriliza- tion may be accomplished by either moist or dry heat. For the perfect sterilization of objects capable of with- standing it dry heat is preferable, because more certain in its action. If we knew just what organisms "we had to deal with, we might be able in many cases to save time and gas, but while some simple non-spore-producing forms are killed at a temperature of 60° C., others can withstand boiling for an hour ; it is therefore best to employ a temperature high enough to kill all with cer- tainty. Platinum wires used for inoculation are held in the direct flame until they become incandescent. In sterilizing such wires attention must be bestowed upon the glass handle, which should be held in the flame for at least half its length for a few moments when used for the first time each day. Carelessness in this respect may cause the loss of much time by contaminating cultures. Knives, scissors, and forceps may be exposed for a very brief time to the direct flame, but this affects the temper of the steel when continued too long. They may also be boiled, steamed, or carbolized. All glassware is sterilized by exposure to a sufficiently high temperature, 150° C. or 302° F., for one hour in the well-known hot-air closet (Fig. 9). A temperature of 150° C. is sufficient to kill all known bacteria and their spores if continued for an hour. Rubber stoppers, corks, wooden apparatus, and other objects which are warped, cracked, charred, or melted by so high a temperature must be sterilized by moist heat in the steam apparatus for at least an hour before they can be pronounced sterile. It must always be borne in mind that after sterilization has been accomplished the same sources of contamination that originally existed are still present, and begin to operate as soon as the objects are removed from the sterilizing apparatus. To Schroder and Van Dusch belong the credit of