STERILIZATION AND DISINFECTION 107 having first shown that when the mouths of flasks and tubes are closed with plugs of sterile cotton no germs can filter through. This observation has been of ines- timable value to every bacteriologist. Before sterilizing FIG. 9.—Hot-air sterilizer. flasks and, tubes we plug them with ordinary raw cotton, and are sure that afterward their interiors will remain free from the access of germs until opened. Instruments may be sterilized wrapped in cotton, to be opened only when ready for use; or instruments and rubber goods sterilized by steam can subsequently be wrapped in sterile cotton and kept for use. It is of the utmost importance to carefully protect every sterilized object, and to allow as little dust to collect upon it as possible, in order that the object of the sterilization be not de- feated. As the spores of moulds falling upon cotton sometimes grow and allow their mycelia to work their way through and drop into a culture-medium, Roux