STERILIZATION AND DISINFECTION. 115 .The gas is very penetrating, easily diffusing itself, and is said to have enormous bactericidal powers. In experi- ments conducted by Prof. Robinson, of Bowdoin Col- lege, the gas penetrated mat- tresses and killed cultures in tubes wrapped up in them. There seems to be little doubt of the abilitv of the FIG. 18.—The Trillat autoclave. FlG. 19.—Sanitary formaldehyde*re- generator. formaldehyde gas to disinfect, but there are few apparatus upon the market at present that seem capable of discharg- ing a sufficient volume of the gas with sufficient rapidity to do the work. The physician, therefore, who desires to disinfect with confidence should choose an apparatus that has been shown by competent experiments to fill the requirements. The " formalin,n or 40 per cent, solution of the gas, when fresh and tightly corked, is fatal to most bacteria in dilutions of from i: 5000 to i: 25,000. It can be employed with great advantage to spray the walls and floors of rooms. It cannot be employed upon the skin or mucous membranes, because of its marked irritating effect The disinfection of the skin, both the hands of the surgeon and the part about to be incised, is a matter of importance. It is almost impossible to secure absolute sterility of the hands, so deeply do the skin-cocci pene- trate between the layers of the scarf-skin. The method at