118 PA THOGENIC BACTERIA. Again, the fact that some of the antiseptics, as nitrate of silver and bichlorid of mercury, are at once precipi- tated by albumins, and thus lose their gennicidal and antiseptic powers, limits the scope of their employment I think it may- be safely said that carbolic acid is the most reliable and most generally useful of all the germi- cides and antiseptics. The Disinfection of Sick-chambers, Dejecta, etc.— What has just been remarked concerning the unreliability of many of the gennicidal substances is eminently a propos of the disinfection of dejecta. It is useless to mix bichlorid of mercury with typhoid stools or tubercu- lar sputum rich in albumin, and imagine these substances rendered harmless in consequence. It should not be for- gotten that the sick patient is less the means of convey- ing the contagium than the objects with which he is in contact, which can be carried to other rooms or houses during or after the progress of the disease. A careful consideration of the condition of the sick-room will lead us to a clear understanding of its bacteriological condition. The Air of the Sick-room.—It is impossible to sterilize or disinfect the atmosphere of a room during its occu- pancy by the patient. The disinfecting capacity of the solutions given above must make obvious the concentra- tion of their useful solutions, and show the foolishness of placing beneath the bed or in the corners of a room small receptacles filled with carbolic acid or chlorinated lime. These can serve no purpose for good, and may be potent for harm by obscuring the disagreeable odors emanating from materials which should be removed from the room by the still more disagreeable odors of the dis- infectants. The practice of such a custom is only com- parable to the old faith in the virtue of asafetida tied in a corner of the handkerchief as a preventive of cholera and smallpox. During the period of illness a chamber in which the patient is confined should be freely ventilated, so that its