STERILIZATION AND DISINFECTION. 119 atmosphere is constantly changing and replacing the closeness so universally an accompaniment of fever by fresh, pure air—a comfort to the patient and a protection to the doctors and nurses. After recovery or death one- should rely less upon fu- migation than upon the disinfection of the walls and floor, the similar disinfection of the wooden part of the furniture, and the sterilization of all else. The fumes of sulphur may do some good—when combined with steam, much good—but are greatly overestimated, and the sulphurous vapors-are rapidly giving way to the more penetrating and germicidal formaldehyde vapor. To apply this, the room to be sterilized is carefully closed, the carefully selected apparatus set in action, and the discharged vapor allowed to act undisturbed for some hours, after which the windows and doors are all thrown opeii to fresh air and sunlight. Instead of the gas, a 40 per cent, solution, which can be sprayed upon the ceiling, walls, floor, and contents of the room from a large atomizer, is sometimes used. Ex- perience has not shown, however, that this possesses any distinct advantages. So far as is at present known, the disinfection by form- aldehyde is complete and leaves nothing to be desired. Only one point is to be considered, already often men- tioned—that is, the apparatus. Of those experimented with by the author, few have given satisfaction. The Dejecta.—A little thought will direct attention to those of the dejections which are dangerous to the com- munity and promote efforts for their complete steriliza- tion. In cases of diphtheria the vomit, expectorations, and nasal discharges are most important. They should be received in old rags or in Japanese paper napkins— not handkerchiefs or towels—and should be burned. The sputum of tuberculous patients should either be collected in a glazed earthen vessel which can be subjected to boil- ing and disinfection, or, as is an excellent plan, should be received in Japanese rice-paper napkins, which can at