STERILIZATION AND DISINFECTION. 121 is only possible in hospitals, the next best thing- is boiling for some time in the ordinary wash-boiler. When pos^ sible, the clothes should be soaked in i: 2000 bichlorid solution before or after boiling, and in drying should hang in the sun and wind. Woollen underwear can be treated exactly as if of cotton. The woollen clothing of the patient, if infected, requires special treatment. For- tunately, the infection of the outer woollen garments is unusual. The only reliable method for their purification is prolonged exposure to hot air at 110° C. In private practice it becomes a grave question what shall be done with these articles. Prolonged exposure to fresh air and sunlight will aid in rendering them harmless; when it is certain that articles of wool are infected, they may be sent to the city hospital or to certain of the moth-destroy- ing and fumigating establishments which can be found in all large cities, and be baked. The Furniture, etc.—The wholesale destruction of fur- niture practised in earlier times has at present become unnecessary. The doctor, if he properly performs his functions, will save much trouble and money for his patient by ordering the immediate isolation of his charge in an uncarpeted, scantily- and cheaply-furnished room the moment an infectious disease is suspected^ before much infection can have occurred. However, if before his removal the patient has occupied another bed, its clothing should be promptly handled in the above- described manner. After the illness the walls of the rooms, including the ceiling should be sprayed with formalin, or, where it can- not be obtained, may be rubbed with fresh bread, which Loffler has shown to be efficacious, though scarcely prac- ticable, in collecting the bacteria, or, if possible, should be whitewashed. If the walls are hung with paper, they may be dampened with i : 1000 bichlorid-of-mercury so- lution before new paper is hung. Aronson1 says: uFor the disinfection of living-rooms lVereinfilr Offentliche Gesundheitspflege, Berlin, April 26, 1897.