122 PATHOGENIC BACTERIA. there is no method that can compare in the remotest degree, as regards certainty and simplicity, with that by means of formaldehyde gas. For example, any one who has seen the process of cleansing walls by rubbing them down with bread, as carried out by the disinfecting corps, will agree with me that, however effective it may be from a theoretical point of view, it is absolutely inefficient in practice. The possibility of disinfecting rooms and all their contents with certainty, by means of a simple, cheap, harmless, and easily managed method must be hailed as a great advance." The floor should be scoured with 5 per cent, carbolic- acid solution or i : 1000 bichlorid of mercury, and all the wooden articles wiped off two or three times with the same solution employed for the floor. In this scouring no soap can be used, as it destroys the virtue of the germicide. If a straw mattress was used, it should be burned and the cover boiled. If a hair mattress was- used, it can be steamed or baked by the manufacturers, who generally have ovens for the purpose. Curtains,, shades, etc., should receive proper attention; but, of course, the greater the precautions exercised in the beginning", the fewer the articles which will need attention in the end. They should be removed before the case lias- developed. Strehl has succeeded in demonstrating that when 10 per cent, formalin solution is sponged upon artificially infected curtains, etc., the bacteria are killed by the action of the disinfectant. This knowledge will be an important ad- junct to our means for disinfecting the furniture of the sick-chamber. The patient, whether he lives or dies, may also be a means of spreading the disease unless specially cared for. After convalescence the body should be bathed witli a weak bichlorid-of-mercury solution or with a 2 per cent, carbolic-acid solution, or with 25-50 per cent, alco- hol, before the patient is allowed to mingle with society, and the hair should either be cut off or carefully washed