STERILIZATION AND DISINFECTION 123 with the above solution. In desquamative diseases it seems best to have the entire body anointed with cos- molin once daily, the unguent being well rubbed in, in order to prevent the particles of epidermis being distrib- uted through the atmosphere. Carbolated cosmolin may be better than the plain, not because of the very slight antiseptic value it possesses, but because it helps to allay the itching which may be part of the desquamative process. After the patient is about the room again, common sense will prevent the admission of strangers until all the disinfective measures have been adopted, and after this, touching, and especially kissing him, should be omitted for some time. The dead who die of infectious diseases should be washed in a strong disinfectant solution, and should be given a private funeral in which the body, if exposed, should not be touched. In my judgment, the body is best disposed of by cremation. It seems, however, to be an error to suppose that a dead body can remain for an indefinite period a source of infection. Esmarch l has made a series of laboratory ex- periments to determine what the fate of pathogenic bac- teria in the dead body really is. From his results it seems clear that in septicemia, cholera, anthrax, malignant edema, tuberculosis, tetanus, and typhoid the pathogenic bacteria all die sooner or later, generally more rapidly in conditions of decomposition than in good preservation of the tissues. Lack of oxygen may be a cause of their disappearance. 1 Zeitsc/irift fur Hygiene, 1893.