126 PATHOGENIC BACTERIA. to a faintly alkaline reaction. Definite varying degrees of alkalinity can be secured by adding measured quan- tities of the soda solution beyond that necessary to bring about the beginning alkalinity. In using phenolphtha- lein one should remember that the first sign of rose color marks a change to alkalinity, and that this is a higher degree of alkalinity than that required to turn red litmus blue. The bouillon thus prepared is a clear fluid of a straw color, much resembling normal urine in appearance. It FIG. 21.—Funnel for filling tubes with culture-media (Warren). is dispensed in previously sterilized tubes with cotton plugs—about 10 c.cm. to each—and is then sterilized by steam three successive days for fifteen to twenty minutes each, according to the directions already given for frac- tional sterilization. (See p. 109.)