CULTIVATION OF BACTERIA. 127 For the preparation of bouillon, as well as gelatin, agar-agar, and glycerin agar still to be described, beef- extract (Liebig's) may be employed, but for the most delicate work this is rather undesirable, because of its unstable composition and because of the precipitation of meat-salts, which can scarcely be filtered out of the agar- agar, owing to the fact that they only crystallize when the solution cools. When it is desirable to prepare the bouillon from beef-extract, the method is very simple. To 1000 of clean water 10 grams of Whitte's dried beef-peptone, 5 grams of sodium chlorid, and about 2 grams of beef-extract are added. The solution is boiled until the constituents are dissolved, neutralized, if neces- sary, and filtered when cold. If it is filtered while hot, there is always a subsequent precipitation of meat-salts, which clouds it. Bouillon and other liquid culture-media are best dis- pensed and kept in small receptacles—test-tubes or flasks —in order that a single contaminating organism, should it enter, may not spoil the entire bulk. A very con- venient simple apparatus used by bacteriologists for fill- ing tubes with liquid media is shown in Figure 21. It need not be sterilized before using, as the culture-medium will be sterilized by the intermittent method after the tubes are filled. The test-tubes and flasks into which the culture-medium is filled must, however, be previously sterilized by dry heat. The dry-heat sterilization is done, of course, after the cotton plugs are in place. Bouillon is the basis of most of the culture-media. The addition of 10 per cent of gelatin makes it " gela- tin ;n that of i per cent, of agar-agar makes it ''agar- agar.n The preparation of these media, however, varies somewhat from that of the plain bouillon. Gelatin.—The culture-medium known as gelatin has de- cided advantages over the bouillon, not only because it is an excellent food for bacteria, and, like the bouillon, trans- parent, but because it is also solid. Nor is this all : it is a transparent solid which can be made liquid or solid at