140 PA THOGENIC BA CTERIA. the peculiarities of certain pathogenic forms enable us to use special means, taking advantage of their eccentrici- ties, for their isolation, and that the general methods are in reality more useful for the non-pathogenic than for tlie pathogenic forms. All three methods depend upon the observation of Koch, that when germs are equally distributed through- out some liquefied nutrient medium which can be solidi- fied in a thin layer, the growth of the germs takes place in little scattered groups or families, called colonies, dis- tinctly separated from each other and capable of trans- plantation to tubes of culture-media. Plate-cultures.—The plate-cultures, originally made by Koch, require considerable apparatus, and of late years have given place to the more ready methods of Petri and Von Esmarch. So great, however, is the historic interest attached to the plates that it would be a great omission not to describe Koch's method in full. Apparatus.—Half a dozen glass plates, about 6 by 4 inches in size, free from bubbles and scratches and ground at the edges, are carefully cleaned, placed hr a sheet-iron box made to receive them, and then put in the hot-air closet, where they are sterilized. The box, which is tightly closed, al- lows the sterilized plates to be kept on hand indefinitely before using. A moist chamber, or double dish, about 10 inches in di- ameter and 3 inches deep, tlie upper half being just enougli FIG 23.~Complete levelling appa- } ^ ^ ]ower ^ ^ ratus for pouring plate-cultures, as . ** taught by Koch. lt: to close over it, is carefully washed. A sheet of bibulous paper is placed in the bottom, so that some moisture can be retained, and a i : 1000 bichlorid solution is poured in and brought in contact with the sides, top, and bottom