CULTURES, AND THEIR STUDY. 141 by turning the dish in all directions. The solution is emptied out, and the dish, which is always kept closed, is ready for use. A levelling apparatus is required (Fig. 19). This con- sists of a wooden tripod with adjustable screws, and a glass dish covered by a flat plate of glass upon which a low bell-jar stands. The glass dish is filled with broken ice and water, covered with the glass plate, and then exactly levelled by adjusting the screws under the legs of the tripod. When level the cover is placed upon it, and it is ready for use. Method (Fig. 24).—A sterile platinum loop is dipped into the material to be examined, a small quantity se- FiG. 24.—Method of holding tubes during inoculation. cured, and stirred about so as to distribute it evenly through a tube of the melted gelatin. If the material under examination is very rich in bacteria, one loopful may contain a million individuals, which, if spread out in a thin layer, would develop so many colonies that it would be impossible to see any one clearly; hence the necessity for a dilution. From the first tube a loopful of gelatin is carried to a second tube of melted gelatin and stirred well, so as to distribute the organisms evenly through it. In this tube we may have no more than ten thousand organisms, and if the same method of dilution be used again, the third tube may have only a few hun- dreds, and a fourth only a few dozen colonies. After the tubes are prepared, one of the sterile glass plates is caught by its edges, removed from the iron box, and placed beneath the bell-glass upon the cold plate