CULTURES, AND THEIR STUDY. 143 Petri's Dishes.—These small dishes (Fig. 26), about 4 inches in diameter and ]/2 inch deep, with accurately fitting lids, are about as convenient as anything that has been devised in bacteriological technique. They dis- FlG. 26.—Petri dish for making plate-cultures. pense with plates and plate-boxes, with moist chambers and benches, and usually with the levelling apparatus, though this is still employed in connection with the Petri dishes in some laboratories. The method of the employment of Petri dishes is very simple. The dishes are carefully cleaned, polished, and sterilized by hot air, care being taken that they are placed in the hot-air closet right side up, and after sterilization are kept covered and in that position. The dilution of the material under examination is made with gelatin or agar-agar tubes in the manner described above, the plugs are removed, the mouth of the tube is cautiously held for a moment in the flame, then the contents of each tube are poured into one of the sterile dishes, whose top is elevated just sufficiently to allow the mouth of the tube to enter. The gelatin is spread over the bottom of the dish in an even layer, is allowed to solidify, labelled, and then stood away for the colonies to develop. Esmarch Tubes.—This method, devised by Esmafch, converts the walls of the test-tube into the plate and dis- penses with all other apparatus. The tubes, which are inoculated and in which the dilutions are made, should contain less than, half the usual amount of gelatin or agar-agar. After inoculation the cotton plugs are pushed into the tubes until even with their mouths, and then covered with a rubber cap, which protects them from wetting. A groove is next cut in a block of ice, and