CHAPTER IX. EXPERIMENTATION UPON ANIMALS. BACTERIOLOGY has to-clay become a science whose principal objects are to discover the cause, explain the symptoms, and prepare the cure of diseases. We can- not hope to achieve these objects except by the intro- duction of bacteria into animals, where their effects and the effects of their products can be studied. No one should more heartily condemn wanton cruelty to animals than the physician and the naturalist. In- deed, it is hard to imagine a class of men so much of whose lives is spent in relieving pain, and who know so much about pain, being* guilty'of the wholesale butchery and torture accredited to them by a few of the laity, whose eyes, but not whose brains, have looked over the pages of physiological text-books. Experimentation upon animals has given us almost all our knowledge of physiology, most of our valuable therapeutics, and the only scientific methods of treating tetanus and diphtheria. Experiments upon animals we must make, and, as animals differ in their susceptibility to diseases, large numbers and different kinds must be employed. The bacteriological methods are not cruel. Two prin- cipal modes of introducing bacteria are employed : the subcutaneous injection and the intravenous injection. Subcutaneous injections into animals are made exactly as hypodermic injections are given to man. Any hypodermic syringe that can be conveniently cleaned and disinfected may be employed for the purpose. Those expressly designed for bacteriological work and most frequently employed are shown in Fig. 40." Those 158