166 PA THOGENIC BA CTERIA. be examined pass through a horizontal sterile tube about 70 cm. long and 3.5 cm. wide (Fig. 43), the interior of which is coated with gelatin in the same manner as an Esmarch tube. The tube, having been prepared, is closed at both ends with sterile corks carrying smaller glass tubes closed with cotton. When ready for use the tube at one end is attached to a hand-pump, the cotton is removed from the other end, and the air passed through . very slowly, the bacteria having time to precipitate upon the gelatin as they pass. When the required amount has passed the tubes are again plugged, the apparatus stood away for a time, and subsequently, when they have grown, the colonies are counted. The number of colo- nies in the tube will represent pretty accurately the number of bacteria in the amount of air which passed through the tube. In such a cylindrical culture it will be noted that if the air is passed through with the proper slowness, the colonies will be much more numerous near the end of entrance than that of exit. The first to fall will probably be those of heaviest specific gravity—i. e. the moulds and yeasts. A still more exact method is that of Petri, who uses small filters of sand held in place in a wide glass tube by small wire nets (Fig. 44). The sand used is made to pass through a sieve whose openings are of known size, is heated to incandescence, then arranged in the tube so that two of the little filters, held in place by their wire-gauze coverings, are FIG. 44.— superimposed. One or both ends of the tube etiis san ^& closed with - corks having a narrow glass filter for air- s .&. examination, tube. The apparatus is heated and sterilized in a hot-air sterilizer, and is then ready for use. The method of employment is very simple. By means of a hand-pump 100 liters of air are made to pass through in from ten to twenty minutes. The sand from