CHAPTER XIII. BACTERIOLOGIC EXAMINATION OF SOIL. ALMOST all soil contains bacteria in its upper layers. Their number and character, however, depend some- what upon the surrounding conditions. Near the hab- itations of men, where the soil is cultivated, the ex- crement of animals, largely made up 'of bacteria, is spread upon it to increase its fertility, this being a treat- ment which not only adds new bacteria to those already present, but also enables those present to grow very much more luxuriantly because of the increased amount of organic matter they receive. The researches of Fliigge, C. Frankel, and others show that the bacteria of the soil do not penetrate very deeply—that they gradually decrease in number until the depth of a meter is reached, then rapidly diminish until at a meter and a quarter they rather abruptly cease to be found. Many of the soil-bacteria are anaerobic, and for a careful consideration of them the reader must be referred to monographs upon the subject The estimation of their number seems to be devoid of any dis- tinct practical importance. C. Frankel has, however, originated a very accurate method of determining it. By means of a special boring apparatus (Fig. 49) FIG. 49.—Fran- kel's instrument for obtaini ng earth from various depths for bacteriologic study. earth can be secured from any depth without digging and without danger of mixing that secured with that of the superficial strata. With sterile liquefied gelatin a definite 174