TO />/t 774AM/AV/J THERMAL DKATH-rOINT. 177 removed as soon as it is certainly heated through, another in five minutes, another in ten minutes, or at whatever intervals the thought, and experience of the experimenter shall suggest. In both of the described procedures one must be care- ful that the temperature in the test-tube is identical with that of the water in the bath. There is no reason why a sterile thermometer should not be placed in the heated tube in the first case, and in the second experiment one of the test-tubes exposed under conditions similar to the others might contain a thermometer which would show the temperature of the contents of the tube containing it, and so be an index of the rest. Another method of accomplishing the same end is to use Sternherg\s bulbs. These are small glass bulbs blown on one end of a piece of glass tubing, which is subsequently drawn out to capillarity at the opposite end, If such a bulb be heated, and its capillary tube dipped into inoculated bouillon, in cooling, the fluid is drawn in so as to fill it one-third or one-half. A number of these tubes are filled in this manner with freshly inoculated culture-medium and then floated, tube upward, upon a water-bath whose temperature is gradually elevated, the bulbs being removed from time to time as the reqtiirecl temperatures are reached. Of course, as the bulbs are already inoculated, all that 5s necessary is to stand them aside* for a day or two, and observe whether or not the bacteria grow, fudging the 'death-point exactly as in the other case. To Determine the Antiseptic and Cermicldal Value of Reagents.—There are various methods whose modi- fications can be elaborated according to the extent and thoroughness of the investigation to be made. I. T^he Antiseptic I *aht*\—'Remembering that an anti- septic is a substance that inhibits bacterial growth, the method that will at once suggest itself is that of adding varying quantities of the antiseptic to be investigated to culture-media in which the bacteria are subsequently 12