TO DETERMINE THERMAL DEATH-POINT. 179 Sternberg suggested a method in which the time should remain constant (two hours' exposure), and the object be the determination of the exact dilution of the reagent required to destroy the bacteria. " Instead of subjecting a few of the test-organisms attached to a silk thread to the action of the disinfecting agent, a certain quantity of the recent culture—usually 5—has been mixed with an equal quantity of a standard solution of the germicidal agent, „ . . and after two hours' contact one or two ose-fuls would be introduced into a suitable nutri- ent medium to test the question of disinfection." A very simple and popular method of determining the germicidal value is to make a series of dilutions of the reagent to bo tested; acid to each a couple of loopfuls of a fresh liquid culture*, and at varying intervals of time transfer a loopful to fresh culture-media. By a little ingenuity this method may be made to yield information as to both time and strength. When it is desired to secure information concerning the progress of the germicidal action of reagents, body- fluids, etc., especially in the unusual and interesting cases in which the material subjected to the test may exert a restraining action for a time only, or bring about destruction of some or many, but not all of the germs, the use of the Petri dish can be introduced. For example, it is desired to determine whether a blood-serum is gennieidal or not. Into about 5 of the serum contained in a test-tube, two or three loopfuls of any desired bacterium, in liquid culture, are added. The tube is well agitated and immediately one loopful is transferred to a tube of melted gelatin, distributed through it, and poured into a Petri dish. After one minute the operation is repeated, in five minutes again, and so on as often as is desired. The dishes are stood away until the bacteria develop into colonies, which are then counted with a Wolfhugel apparatus* On the first dish there may be 100 colonies; on the second, 80; on the third, 50; on the fourth, 20; ou