i86 PATHOGENIC BACTERIA. The cocci are rather small, measuring about o. 7 // in diameter. When examined in a delicately-stained con- dition the organisms may be seen to consist of hemi- spheres separated from each other by a narrow interval. The contiguous surfaces are flat, thus differing from the gonococcus, whose contiguous surfaces are concave. The grouping is not very characteristic. In both liquid and solid culture-media the organisms either occur in solid masses or are evenly distributed. It is only in the organs or tissues of a diseased animal that it is possible to say that a true Staphylococcus grouping is present. The organism stains brilliantly with aqueous solu- tions of the anilin dyes. In tissues it can be beautifully stained by Gram's method. The staphylococci grow well either in the presence or absence of oxygen at a temperature above 18° C., the most rapi.d development being at about 37° C. Upon the surface of gelatin plates small whitish points can be observed in forty-eight hours (Fig. 51). These rapidly FIG. 51.—Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus: colony two days old, seen upon an agar-agar plate; x 40 (Heim). extend to the surface and cause extensive liquefaction. Hand in hand with the liquefaction is the formation of an orange color, which is best observed at the centre of the colony. Under the microscope the colonies appear