SUPPURA TION. 193 years without any particular precautions and found its virulence unchanged. Probably the virulence and attenuation are peculiarities of the organism itself. Dried streptococci are said by Frosch and Kolle to re- tain their energies longer than those growing on culture- media.1 lyike the staphylococci, the streptococcus is frequently associated with internal diseases, and has been found in erysipelas, ulcerative endocarditis, periostitis, otitis, men- ingitis, emphysema, pneumonia, lymphangitis, phleg- mons, sepsis, and in the uterus in cases of infective puer- peral endometritis. In man the streptococci occur in the most active forms of suppuration. Its relation to diph- theria is of interest, for, while, in all probability, the great majority of cases of pseudomembranous angina are caused by the Klebs-Loffler bacillus, yet an undoubted number of cases are met with in which, as in Prudclen's 24 cases, no diphtheria bacilli can be found, but which seem to be caused by a streptococcus exactly resembling that under consideration. There is no clinical difference in the picture of the throat-lesion produced by the two organisms, and the only positive method of diagnosticating the one from the other is by means of a careful bacteriologic examina- tion. Such an examination should always be made, as it has much weight in connection with the treatment. Of course, in streptococcus angina no benefit could be ex- pected from the diphtheria antitoxic serum. Hirsh2 has shown that under pathological conditions streptococci are by no means rare organisms in the in- testinal canal of infants, and may cause a streptococcic enteritis. In these cases the organisms are found in large numbers in the stomach and in the stools, and later in the course of the disease in the blood and urine of the living child and in the internal organs of the cadaver. 1 Flugge's Die Mikroorganismen. 2 Centmlblfur J$akt. und Parasitenk.> Bd. xxii., Nos. 14 and 15, p. 369. 13