194 PATHOGENIC BACTERIA. Iviebmanl reports two cases of streptococcic enteritis that were cerefully studied bacteriologically. Flexner,2 in a series of autopsies upon cases of death from various diseases, found the bodies invaded by num- erous micro-organisms, causing what he has called £(term- inal infections,'' and hastening the fatal issue. Of 793 autopsies at Johns Hopkins Hospital, 255 from chronic heart or kidney diseases, or both, were sufficiently well studied' bacteriologically to meet the needs of a statis- tical inquiry. Tubercular infection was not included. Of the 255 cases, 213 gave positive bacteriological results. "The micro-organisms causing the infections, 38 in all, were the Streptococcus pyogenes, 16 cases; Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, 4 cases; Micrococcus lanceolatus, 6 cases; gas bacillus (B. Aerogenes capsulatus), three times alone and twice combined with the Bacillus coli communis; the gonococcus, anthrax bacillus, Bacillus proteus, the last combined with the Bacillus coli, the Bacillus coli alone, a peculiar capsulated bacillus, and an unidentified coccus." It is interesting to observe how many cases were accompanied by the streptococcus. All the streptococci may not have been streptococcus pyogenes, but for con- venience in his statistics they were regarded by Flexner as identical. The streptococcus of Rosenbach is thought by many to be identical with a streptococcus described by Fehleisen as the Streptococcus erysipelatis (Fig. 55). The two or- ganisms have much in common, but much difference of opinion exists upon the subject of their identity. It may seem unwise to omit the Streptococcus erysipelatis as a major topic for discussion, but the similarity of the or- ganism to that just described has caused us to consider them in the same connection. The streptococci of erysipelas can be obtained in almost pure culture from the serum which oozes from a puncture made in the margin of an erysipelatous patch. They are 1 Centralbl. fur Bakt. und Parasitenk., Bd. xxii., Nos. 14 and 15, p. 376. 2 Journal of Experimental Medicine, vol. i., No. 3, 1896.